Now in stock: Rusty Brown by Chris Ware $35
Mantid Mania #7 Submission by M Smith $5
Transpire Transgender Cancer Patient Anthology $15
Old New York: Portraits of Older Adults 2016 by Sam Logan $7
Found Puppies by Mattie Ganson $3
Super Super by Yoko $8
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Eat #10 by Dan Varenka $5
Intermediate Channeling and Transmutation $5
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Splork – A Providence Comics Consortium $8
Wipeout #4 $6
Short Romance #1 by Himali Patil $6
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Graphic Novels
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Keeping Score by Jesse Reklaw (Fantagraphics Underground) $20
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Paper Girls vol 6 by Brian K. Vaughan and friends $14.99
Blood and Drugs by Lance Ward (Birdcage Bottom) $15
Handbook to Lazy Parenting by Guy Delisle (D+Q) $12.95
Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Compendium by Gilbert Shelton (Knockabout) $13.99
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Tank Girl Full Colour Classics Book Two (1991-1993) by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett $24.99
Art & Design Books
ABC of Typography by David Rault $24.99
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Inside the Matrix: The Radical Designs of Ken Isaacs by Susan Snodgrass (Half Letter Press) $15
Politics, Revolution & History
Teaching Resistance: Radicals, Revolutionaries, and Cultural Subversives in the Classroom by John Mink (PM Press) $24.95
These Truths: A History of the United States by Jill Lepore $19.95
X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety by Gabriel Kuhn (PM Press) $22.95
Zapped By The God Of Absurdity: The Best Of Paul Krassner by Paul Krassner (Fantagraphics) $26.99
Sleeveless: Fashion, Image, Media, New York 2011–2019 by Natasha Stagg (Semiotext(e) / Native Agents) $16.95
Books By Musicians
Year of the Monkey by Patti Smith $24.95
Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror by W. Scott Poole $16.95
Riddance: Or: The Sybil Joines Vocational School for Ghost Speakers & Hearing-Mouth Children (Black Balloon Publishing) $17.95
Japanese Ghost Stories by Lafcadio Hearn $16
Sex Guides & Culture
In Case You’re Curious: Questions about Sex from Young People with Answers from the Experts by Planned Parenthood, edited by Alison Macklin, illustrations by Meghan Hilton $16.95
Leste Magazine #7 $15
Food Books
The Necronomnomnom: Recipes and Rites from the Lore of H. P. Lovecraft by Mike Slater $24.95
Cockney Rhyming Slang Dictionary by Geoff Tibballs $7.99
Fortean Times sep $12.40
Skeptic fall $6.95
Anorak #50 $13
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Mojo sep $13.99
Poetry & Lit Journals
Our Death by Sean Bonney $18
Hustling Verse: An Anthology of Sex Workers’ Poetry by Amber Dawn and Justin Ducharme $19.95
No Tokens #8 $15