Monthly Archive for September, 2019

New Stuff This Week

Now in stock: Rusty Brown by Chris Ware $35


Mantid Mania #7 Submission by M Smith $5

Transpire Transgender Cancer Patient Anthology $15

Old New York: Portraits of Older Adults 2016 by Sam Logan $7

Found Puppies by Mattie Ganson $3

Super Super by Yoko $8

Burn It Down And Walk Away by Heather Anacker $6

Habit Tracking – A How To Zine by Anna Jo Beck $1

Happy Tapir #5 by Johnny Masiulewicz $3

Eat #10 by Dan Varenka $5

Intermediate Channeling and Transmutation $5


Cinema Sewer #32 $5

I See You Keanu by Betsy Ochoa $8

Qutie Crew by Mikey Anderson $6

Cab Gets Inked #1 Inktober 2016 & Cab Gets Inked Again #2 Inktober 2017 by Charles Brubaker $2 each

Sleepwalking by Lauren Monger (Silver Sprocket) $5

On Display: In a Gallery That No Longer Exists by Walker Mettling $7.50

Splork – A Providence Comics Consortium $8

Wipeout #4 $6

Short Romance #1 by Himali Patil $6

3D Meshes by Sofia Diaz $20

Fall Diary by Lily Reeves $5

Samurai Corpse #2 by Rainier Flores $2

Graphic Novels

Hard Tommorow by Eleanor Davis (D+Q) $24.95

Pure Trance by Junko Mizuno (Last Gasp) $24.95

Keeping Score by Jesse Reklaw (Fantagraphics Underground) $20

Things To Do Instead Of Killing Yourself by Tara Booth & Jon-Michael Frank (Floating World) $15

Rooftop Stew by Max Clotfelter (Birdcage Bottom) $12

Paper Girls vol 6 by Brian K. Vaughan and friends $14.99

Blood and Drugs by Lance Ward (Birdcage Bottom) $15

Handbook to Lazy Parenting by Guy Delisle (D+Q) $12.95

Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Compendium by Gilbert Shelton (Knockabout) $13.99

Snowpiercer The Prequel: Part 1 Extinction by Matz & illustrated by Jean-Marc Rochette $19.99

Tank Girl Full Colour Classics Book Two (1991-1993) by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett $24.99

Art & Design Books

ABC of Typography by David Rault $24.99

Glamour Girl #6 Brooke Candy $28

Inside the Matrix: The Radical Designs of Ken Isaacs by Susan Snodgrass (Half Letter Press) $15

Politics, Revolution & History

Teaching Resistance: Radicals, Revolutionaries, and Cultural Subversives in the Classroom by John Mink (PM Press) $24.95

These Truths: A History of the United States by Jill Lepore $19.95

X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety by Gabriel Kuhn (PM Press) $22.95


Zapped By The God Of Absurdity: The Best Of Paul Krassner by Paul Krassner (Fantagraphics) $26.99

Sleeveless: Fashion, Image, Media, New York 2011–2019 by Natasha Stagg (Semiotext(e) / Native Agents) $16.95

Books By Musicians

Year of the Monkey by Patti Smith $24.95


Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror by W. Scott Poole $16.95


Riddance: Or: The Sybil Joines Vocational School for Ghost Speakers & Hearing-Mouth Children (Black Balloon Publishing) $17.95

Japanese Ghost Stories by Lafcadio Hearn $16

Sex Guides & Culture

In Case You’re Curious: Questions about Sex from Young People with Answers from the Experts by Planned Parenthood, edited by Alison Macklin, illustrations by Meghan Hilton $16.95


Leste Magazine #7 $15

Food Books

The Necronomnomnom: Recipes and Rites from the Lore of H. P. Lovecraft by Mike Slater $24.95


Cockney Rhyming Slang Dictionary by Geoff Tibballs $7.99


Fortean Times sep $12.40

Skeptic fall $6.95

Anorak #50 $13

Gentlewoman fall win 2019 $17.99

Mojo sep $13.99

Poetry & Lit Journals

Our Death by Sean Bonney $18

Hustling Verse: An Anthology of Sex Workers’ Poetry by Amber Dawn and Justin Ducharme $19.95

No Tokens #8 $15

New Stuff This Week

Ulrich Haarbürste’s Novel of Roy Orbison in Clingfilm: Plus additional stories by Ulrich Haarbürste $12.95 – Hey remember back in the day we had this book? Dude got a publisher. It’s Dover! They do all those clip art books and public domain reprints. What a weird choice! Well, we approve of putting it back in print and now here’s your chance to get it if you missed it the first time around.


Mystery Guitarists by Marc Fischer (Public Collectors) $6

Hey Ghoul Friend vols 2 & 3 by MV Garcia $6 each

Stellar Rejects #2 Abomination by Matthew Austin $3

Mugs by Katie Haegle $4

Displaced Snail Publications DSP Collection of Retired Zines by Joe Carlough $5

Living History by Katie Haegle $4

Worst Lecture I’ve Ever Attended by Joseph Carlough $1

Beautifully Brown That Is Me #2 Declare Yourself by Kuwa Jasiri $8.33

Ley Lines TranceNDance by Diana H. Chu $6

Tip Up by Ben Grzenia $10

Graphic Novels

Fake Lake by Adrian Norvid (D+Q) $19.95

Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden $17.99

Menacing Earthworks by John Gehron $5

The Life of a Coat by Kadya Molodowsky & illustrated by Batia Kolton (Fantagraphics) $12.99

Pittsburgh by Frank Santoro $29.95

Head Lopper Volume 3: Head Lopper & The Knights of Venora by Andrew MacLean $16.99

A Tale of Two Cats by Ayin Hillel & illustrated by Shimrit Elkanati (Fantagraphics) $12.99

All the Presidents by Drew Friendman (Fantagraphics) $24.99

The Comics Journal #304 sum fall $14.99

Guts by Raina Telgemeier $12.99

Art Books

Soviet Metro Stations by Owen Hatherly and friends (Fuel) $34.95

Queer Icons From Gay to Z: Activists, Artists & Trailblazers by Patrick Boyle & illustrated by Antoine Corbineau $14.95

Where’s Bowie?: Search for David Bowie in Berlin, New York, Outer Space and more…by Hannah Koelmeyer & illustrated by Kev Gahan $14.95

Politics & Revolution

Abolish ICE: A Passionate Plea For A More Humane Immigration System by Natascha Elena Uhlmann (OR Books) $16.95

How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century by Erik Olin Wright $24.95


Provocations: Collected Essays on Art, Feminism, Politics, Sex, and Education by Camille Paglia $18


So Here It Is: The Autobiography – How The Boy From Wolverhampton Rocked The World With Slade by Dave Hill $16.95

Feuding Fan Dancers: Faith Bacon, Sally Rand, and the Golden Age of the Showgirl by Leslie Zemeckis $16.95

Outer Limits

Lost Civilizations: The Secret Histories and Suppressed Technologies of the Ancients by Jim Willis $19.95

Nikola Tesla and the Electrical Future by Iwan Rhys Morus $22.95


Wonderland: An Anthology of Works Inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, edited by by Marie O’Regan & Paul Kane $14.95

A Cosmology of Monsters: A Novel by Shaun Hamill $26.95

Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Horror and Speculative Fiction Lisa Kröger & Melanie R. Anderson $19.99

Doppelganger by Dasa Drndic $15.95


The Believer #127 Music Issue oct nov $12

Harpers Magazine oct $7.99

In These Times oct $4.95

Fader #118 fall $6.99

Film Comment oct nov $6.95

Chap Books & Poetry

Overtime Hour #53 Machine Shop A Love Story by Glynda Francis $2

Everything Must Go: The Life and Death of an American Neighborhood (BreakBeat Poets) by Kevin Coval and Langston Allston $15.99


Elska #25 Manila $20

New Stuff This Week

Activists Under Surveillance: The FBI Files by Edited by JPat Brown, B. C. D. Lipton and Michael Morisy (The MIT Press) $24.95 – Selections from FBI files on political activists including Betty Friedan, Abbie Hoffman, Martin Luther King, Aaron Swartz, and Malcolm X.


Compound Words vol 1 by Corinne McKenna $3

Broken Pencil #85 $7.95

Catalog of Internet Status Symbols by Joyce S. Lee $5

East Village Inky #60 by Ayun Halliday $3

G.U.I. Dreams: Graphical User Interfaces and the Unconscious by Joyce S. Lee $3

Last Band Of My Youth edited by Allison Felus $10

Governing Emoji by Joyce S. Lee $3

Asi Son Las Cosas by David Alvarado $5

Comics & Minis

Things I Found In the Street by Jam Doughty $1

New Wave Comics Samson #3 by David Soileau $2

Cuevas Illustration and Photography by David Alvarado $10

Sobek by James Stokoe (ShortBox) $12

High Maintenance Machine #30 by Matthew Reidsma $4

Graphic Novels

The River at Night by Kevin Huizenga (D+Q) $34.95 – Don’t miss Kevin here at Quimby’s on Oct 4th!

Creation by Sylvia Nickerson (D+Q) $21.95

Are You Listening by Tillie Walden $17.99

Americana (And The Act Of Getting Over It.) by Luke Healy (Nobrow) $18.95

Art & Design Books

Land of the Rising Cat: Japan’s Feline Fascination by Manami Okazaki $19.95

Mayhem & Outer Limits Books

Morbid Magic: Death Spirituality and Culture from Around the World by Tomás Prower (Llewellyn) $19.99

Black Flags, Blue Waters: The Epic History of America’s Most Notorious Pirates by Eric Jay Dolin $18.95

Cabinets of Curiosities by Patrick Mauriès $35

Music Books

Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste by Peter Beste (Sacred Bones) $35


Defenestration Day by Andrew Hertzberg $16.95

The Divers’ Game: A Novel by Jesse Ball $26.99

Song For a New Day by Sarah Pinsker $16

Memento Mori: The Fathomless Shadows by Brian Hauser $16.99


Skeptical Inquirer sept oct $5.99

Shindig sept $13.99

Wire #427 sept $12.50

Connoisseur vol 1 2019 $25

Lit Journals, Chap Books & Poetry

The Chicago Review vol 62 #4 and 63 #1 #2 The Black Arts Movement In Chicago $20

Exodus of Darkness by Jessica Gaul $7

Sounds of Water: Poems From the Bamboo Grove by Jia Senghe $16

New Stuff This Week

Everything Is Going Wrong: Comics On Punk and Mental Illness, edited by Mark Bouchard $14.99


Strange Tapes #5 by Scott R. Miller $5

KerBloom #139 by Artnoose $2

Punk Damage: How The Punk Scene Gave Me Tools and Hope (Once It Stopped Screwing Me Up) by Joe Biel (Microcosm) $3.95

The Peoples Tribune sept vol 46 #8 $1

This Is What Low Self Esteem and Daddy Issues Look Like by Zo Watt $2.50

Grandma Reporter #1 by Salty Xie Jie Ng $4

Ready For War Zine: The Florida Edition – The Battle Jacket Photography of Adel Souto $8

Ruined By Design: How Designers Destroyed the World and What They Can Do to Fix It by Mike Monteiro $8.99

Walt Loved Zines #2 by Lynne Monsoon $3.50

Garrison Journal #1 & #2 $14.99 each

Oceans of Emotion by Jimmy Whispers $2

Xerography Debt #46 by AJ Michel & friends $4.95

Unfuck Your Anger Workbook: Using Science to Understand Frustration Rage and Forgiveness by Faith G. Harper (Microcosm) $4.95

Comics & Minis

Bubble Gum Boys by Radler $3

All Time Comics Zerosis Deathscape #3 by Josh Bayer and Josh Simmons $4.99

Graphic Novels

I Know What I Am: The Life and Times of Artemisia Gentileschi by Gina Siciliano (Fantagraphics) $29.99

The American Dream? A Journey on Route 66 Discovering Dinosaur Statues, Muffler Men, and the Perfect Breakfast Burrito by Shing Yin Khor $16.99

Witching Hours by Hannah Myers & friends $20

Twice Shy by Joel Orff (Alternative Comics) $14.99

Lemonade Summer by Gabi Mendez $15

Politics & Revolution

I.W.W. Little Red Songbook: Nineteenth Edition from 1923 with All of the Classic Hits by Joe Hill $5.95

A Whore’s Manifesto: An Anthology of Writing and Artwork by Sex Workers by Kay Kassirer $12.99

Death Wins All Wars: Resisting the Draft in the 1960s, a Memoir by Daniel Holland $16.95


From the Periphery: Real-Life Stories of Disability by Pia Justesen $18.99

Music Books

Silenced by Sound: The Music Meritocracy Myth by Ian Brennan (PM Press) $20

I Am Damo Suzuki by Damo Suzuki and Paul Woods (Omnibus) $28.99

Outer Limits

Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death by Caitlin Doughty & illustrated by Dianné Ruz $25.95

Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy by Desirina Boskovich $28.99


Narrow Doors In Wide Green Fields [Surrealists And Outsiders-2019] by RW Spryszak $10


The Baffler #47 sept oct $14

Murder Most Foul #113 $10.99

Create Magazine #16 $20

Lit Journals

Plumbago Magazine (various issues) $10 each