The Steampunk’s Guide to Sex (Combustion Books) $10.00 – Includes both Victorian and contemporary sexuality, and how-to guides covering such things as: DIY floggers made with bike tubes, steam-powered vibrators and Victorian aphrodisiacs. Steamy (a-hem!) photos with a historical tintype process with a lens from 1891. From the Steampunk Mag folks who also brought us the Steampunk’s Guide to the Apocalypse (and soon a book about steampunk’s guide to crime!!!). Contributors include Professor Calamity, Alan Moore, Margaret Killjoy and more.
Gender Matters by Carrie $3.00
Things I’ve Stolen vol 1 by Kevin Gunnerson $3.00
Deafula #4 $3.00
Yield by MJ Robinson $2.00
Show and Tell #10 A Zine Made With Love In Bend Oregon by Rachel Lee-Carman $3.00
Play It Make It #2 A Tiny Book of DIY Games by Rio Safari $2.00
Do It Yourself Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfuckin’ Sad by Adam Gnade $4.00 – Helpful zinester decatastrophing hints!
Put a Egg On It #6 Fall Win 12 $7.00
All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues Or Shit My Mother Did to Secure My Life of Neuroses and Shame by Julia Eff and Heather Kelly $4.00 – Guarantee an awkward interaction by using this zine as a stocking stuffer for your parents!
Taking the Lane vol 8 Childhood by Elly Blue $4.00
Hysteria #2 by Izzy Rae $1.50
Reckless Chants #18 Jinx Removing by Jessie Lynn $3.50
You’ve Got a Lot of Nerve by Sam Tweedy $2.00
Imaginary Pink by Sam Tweedy $2.00
Somnambulist #20 $3.00
Overtime 26 This Is Only Temporary $2.00
Mystery #4 Read By Candlelight by Seamus Hamus $2.00
Comics & Comix
Wherecoyote an Alternate Account of What Took Place Between Joseph Beuys and the Coyote by Caroline Picard (Green Lantern Press) $3.00
2 new Anders Nilsen minis!! Monologuist Mini #2 (a sort of sketchbook thingy) $7.00 and Holiday Price List (sort of a catalog thingy) $8.00
Feedback #12 Concert Review Comics by John Isaacson $2.00
Anosmia by Sara Drake and Anna Barnes $4.00
Long Lost Art of Looking Up by Sara Drake $8.00
Seventh Dimension Devil #1 by Lee Kolinsky $4.50
Ritual #2 Reverie by Malachi Ward (Revival House) $6.00
4090 by Nathan Schreiber (Retrofit) $5.00
The Disappearance of Gordon Page Jr The True Story of An Unsolved Mystery $1.00
American Nature #1 a Comic Sans Humor by Dave Landsberger, Marc Koprinanov and Greg Petre $1.00
Everything Unseen Parts 6 and 7 by Drew Beckmeyer (Revival House) $13.00
Lapels of Wisdom #1 22 Sartorial Tips For Fashionistas by Jojo Sherrow $7.00
Robot and I #1 On The Beast a Tiny Comic by Ben Prager $3.00
Those Fucking Unicorns by Sy Wagon $5.00
Abzernad by DW $6.00
Bowman #3 2034 Earthbound by Pat Aulisio $5.00
Looking Out by Philippa Rice $5.00
Three Stories by Ian Anderson $5.00 – Not to be confused with the Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull. Bwahahaha.
Jammers by Lizz Hickey $6.00
Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks
Songs of the Abyss by Eamon Espey (Secret Acres) $18.00 – Ancient Egyptian gods who give birth to biblical giants. Santa Claus is revealed as an agent of the Devil! Of course Santa and Satan sound like each other.
Remake 3xtra by Lamar Abrams (Adhouse) $9.95
House of Sirens, various volumes by Kofi Brown.
Boys vol 7 Bloody Doors Off by Garth Ennis et al. $19.99
Ash Storm Episode 1 through 5 by Ben Prager $15.00
True Swamp Choose Your Poison by Jon Lewis (Uncivilzed Books) $19.95
Megaskull by Kyle Platts (Nobrow) $13.95
Art & Design
Franza Fever 103 and Quilts by Ulrike Muller $30.00
Stay Up Los Angeles Street Art by G. James Daichendt and Jim lord $35.00
Forever: The New Tattoo by R. Klenten and F. Schulze (DGV) $49.95 – An in-depth investigation of current developments in contemporary tattoo culture.
Cras the Art of Stephan Doitschinoff (DGV) $60.00
Creatures of Saintly Disguise by Jennybird Alcantara $25.00
Little Book of Little Gardens by Steve Wheen (Dokument Forlag) $16.95
Graffiti A New York by Andrea and Nelli (Whole Train Press) $35.95
Niels Shoe Meulman: Painter, The Creator of Calligraffiti Splatters Ahead $29.95
Memoir: The Tattooed Portraits Series by Shawn Barber (Last Gasp) $39.95
Sex & Sexy
Natural Young Beauties, Eolake Stobblehous Collection $39.95
Anti-Justine Or the Joys of Eros by Restif de la Bretonne (Creation Books) $13.95
Forbidden Erotic Classics: Fantazius Mallare by Ben Hecht and Count Fanny’s Nuptials by Simon Arrow (Wet Angel) $14.95 – Two erotica classics for the price of one. Insert some sort of 2 on 1 action joke here.
Playing Well With Others: Your Field Guide to Discovering, Exploring, and Navigating the Kink Leather and BDSM Communities by Lee Harrington $19.95
DIY, Food & Drugs
Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana Medical Recreational and Scientific by Martin A. Lee $35.00
How to Stop Whining and Start Living: How to Make Trouble and Influence People Part 2 by the Question Mark Collective $6.00
Moon Diva’s Guidebook: Spirited Self-Care For Women In Transition by Lara Vesta and Diva Munay (Inkwater Press) $15.95 – And by transition, the authors mean transition into any phase of your life, not just gender transitioning. Very much in the Dame Darcy Hot Handbook For Hot Witches vein. Like if Molly Katzen did a DIY self-care book but ten times cooler. -LM
Hip Hop Cookbook: Four Elements Cooking by Cutmaster GB $22.95
Permaculture Magazine #74 Win 12 $7.99
Fiction (and Fiction-Related)
Black Lace Drag by Ed Wood Jr. (Creation Oneiros Scorpionic Books) $14.95 – As in, Ed Wood’s first novel that was the basis for Glen and Glenda. Pull the string!
Upload by Mark McClelland $16.00
Bed by David Whitehouse $16.00
Map of Time by Felix J. Palma $7.99
Blueprints for Building Better Girls by Elissa Schappell $15.00
The Visible Man by Chuck Klosterman $15.00 – Now in soft cover. As told through a therapist’s notes of her sessions with a man who wears an invisible suit to spy on people. Complete with all the observational analysis of human behaiver as we have come to expect from the witty Mr. Klosterman. Recommended. -LM
Better Living Through Plastic Explosives by Zsuzsi Gartner (Pintail Books) $16.00
Purple Cloud by MP Shiel $16.00
Who Holds the Power by Furious $19.95
Sky Saw by Blake Butler (Tyrant) $14.95 – By the authorof Scorch Atlas. In dynamic sentences and image, Blake Butler crafts a post-Lynchian nightmare where space and family have deformed, leaving the human persons left in the strange wake to struggle after the shapes of both what they loved and who they were.
Third Reich by Roberto Bolano $15.00 – Now in soft cover.
Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace by DT Max $27.95
Mayhem, Miscreants, Memoirs, Music & Misc
Henhouse: The International Book For Chickens and Their Lovers by Buddy Wakefield and Stephen Snook (Write Bloody) $17.95
Sleepwalk With Me and Other Painfully True Stories by Mike Birbiglia $14.00 – Now in soft cover.
Satanic Alchemy: Atrocities of Gilles De Rais by Candice Black (Adv Unlmtd) $15.95
Jivaro :Head Hunters of the Amazon by Bertrand Florney (Creation) $19.95
Freak Show Murders by Frederic Brown (Creation) $14.95
The Paranormal Equation: A New Scientific Perspective on Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Other Inexplicable Phenomena by James Stein $16.99
The JFK French Connection by Peter Kross (Adv Unlmtd) $18.95
Star Shrines and Earthworks of the Desert Southwest by Gary A. David (Adv Unlmtd) $19.95
Ancient Aliens on the Moon by Mike Bara (Adv Unlmtd) $19.95 – Gives new meaning to Man in the Moon. Lavishly illustrated.
Waging Heavy Peace by Neil young (Blue Rider) $30.00
David Bowie Style by Danny Lewis $24.00 – Was this the working title for Gangnam Style?
God No Signs You May Already Be An Athiest and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette $15.00
Shift Happens: Critical Mass at 20 by Chris Carlsson (Full Enjoyment) $20.00 -By the founder of both Critical Mass and the zine Processed World.
Debt the First 5000 Years by David Graeber $22.00
Girlfag: A Life Told In Sex and Musicals by Janet W. Hardy $13.95
The UFO Singularity: Why Are Past Unexplained Phenomena Changing Our Future? Where Will Transcending the Bounds of Current Thinking Lead? How Near is the Singularity? by Michael Hanks $15.99
Digital Dead End: Fighting For Social Justice In The Information Age by Virginia Eubanks (MIT) $15.95 – Visions of the miraculous power of high-tech development is driven by flawed assumptions about race, class, and gender. The realities of the information age are more complicated, particularly for poor and working-class women and families. If the Singularity is near, will it only apply to the upper class?
Politics & Revolution
Refugee Hotel by Gabriele Stabile & Juliet Linderman (McSweeneys) $25.00 – Collection of photography and oral histories that documents the experiences of refugees the U.S.
The Baffler #21 $10.00 – The Baffler?! Coming out regularly?!! Is this a sign of the apocalypse?
Bitch #57 $5.95
Bust Dec 12 Jan 13 $5.99
Meatpaper #19 Fall 12 $7.95
Color Ink Book vol 16 DIY Art Periodical by David Horvath $10.00
Bizarre #195 Dec 12 $10.50
True Crime Nov 12 $8.99
ArtForum Dec 12 $10.00 – A Best of the Year issue.
Maps vol 22 #1 $8.95
Color Skateboards win 12 vol 10 #4 $7.99
Acne Paper Win 12 $17.99
Worn #15 Fashion Journal: Where Great Ideas Get Dressed – The Hair Issue $17.00
Mother Earth Living Jan Feb 12 $4.99
Dazed & Confused vol 3 #15 Nov 12 $9.99
Diabolique #13 Christmas 12 $9.98
Razorcake #71 $4.00
Wire Nov 12 #345 $9.99
Decibel #99 Jan 12 $4.95
Monocle vol 6 #59 Dec 12 Jan 13 $12.00
Poetry, Lit Mags and Lit Journals
Chorus: A Literary Mixtape ed. by Saul Williams $14.00 – A new gen of poets in this anthology in poetic rant.
Before There is Nowhere to Stand: Palestine Israel Poets Respond to Struggle by Joan Dobbie et al. $20.00
Make Literary Journal #13 Win 12 Exchange Intercambio $12.00
N Plus 1 #15 Win 13 $13.95
Coffin Factory #4 $9.00
Oxford American #79 $10.95 The Southern Music Issue
Memoir #11 Prose Poetry Photography and More $12.00
Poetry Dec 12 $3.75
Kids and Radical Parenting
Color Me Manga Graffiti Coloring Book for (Tuff) Creative Kids by Shiro $8.95
Other Stuff
J. Mascis Bobblehead (Aggronautix) $19.95 – A toy for your little junior dinosaur?
Hippo Attack Mug $9.50 – When hippos attack they’re deadly. Deadly adorable that is. Made of ceramic.
Avenging Narwhal Model $7.50 – Watch out penguins!
Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats $5.00 – If your cat won’t fight you to put it on, maybe you can monetize its cuteness on the internet.
Inflatable Cthulhu Beard $7.50
Caroline Paquita 2013 Calendar (Pegacorn Press) $12.00
Nudie Ladies 2013 Calendar: Nudietopia Strange Places Smiley Faces $3.00
Restocks and Reprints
Soy Not Oi! Over 100 Recipes Designed to Destroy the Government by the Hippycore Crew $7.00
Quiet Rumours: Anarcha Feminist Reader by Dark Star $17.00
500 Portraits by Tony Millionaire $22.99
Animal Sex You Might Not Want To Know #1 by Isabella Rotman $3.00
Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World by Isa Moskowitz and Terry Romero $15.95
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