The Plural, The Blurring by H. Melt $12.00
How to Be A Considerate Suicide by Gabe Martinez & Jen Miller $4.00 – Get it together! Drowning yourself just makes a mess of contaminated water someone else has to dig your body out of. Manners, people!
Good to Know A Zine of Useful Things by Isabella Rotman (Pioneers Press)$3.00
Let It Sink #8 A Short and Innacurate History by Jim Joyce $2.00
Basic Paper Airplane #9, #10 by Joshua Amberson $3.00, $2.00
Everything Is Fine the Journals 2000-2014 split w/ Purple Myrtle Squeegy #12 Sep 15 Special Diary Issue by Nyxia Grey & Hadas Ben-Ari $5.00
Pussy Power $20.00
Cats You Never Learned About in History Class by Lynne Donahue and Micki Grover (Devastator) $5.00 – Do you love cats in costumes? Well then this is the zine for you. A comical look at various cats throughout the ages. Historical purrtraiture of various kitties photographed by Lynne Donahue.-CH
Weathering the Storm: Notes on Coping with Anxiety by Rachel McKay $3.00
Nesting: Self-Care Tips for Autumn and Winter by Katie Johnson $4.99
Kitchen Witch’s Guide to Rosemary, 3rd Power $3.00
Tweet Me When You Sober Up by Zachary Rosen $2.00
Field Guide to the Uncommon Fairybug by Shin Yin Khor (Sawdust Press) $4.00
Corn Quest by Mardikes Kira $5.00
21st Century Tank Girl by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett $22.99
Private Eye by Brian K. Vaughan & friends $49.99
18 Days vol 1 War Begins by Grant Morrison $14.99
Yon and Mu by Junji Ito (Kodansha Comics) $10.99
Ramshackle: A Yellowknife Story by Alison McCreesh (Conundrum) $20.00
Violenzia and Other Deadly Amusements by Richard Sala (Fantagraphics) $16.99
IRENE vol 5 ed. by Dakota McFadzean, Andy Warner & dw. (Hic & Hoc Publications) $15.00 – Comics and art anthology contains 160 pages featuring 15 artists from all over the world including: Pat Barrett, Jon Chad, Mark Connery, d.w., Fdz, Luke Healy, Dakota McFadzean, Fouad Mezher, Dave Ortega, D. Rinylo, Emanuel (Manny) Schongut, Bailey Sharp, R. Sikoryak, James The Stanton, Andy Warner, and Lindsay Watson.
The Crogan Adventures: Last of the Legion by Chris Schweizer and Joey Weiser (Oni Press) $17.99
Feathers by Jorge Corona (Archaia) $24.99
The Only Child by Guojing (Schwartz & Wade) $19.99
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by PKD, art by Tony Parker & friends $39.99
Slash Fiction Through the Ages: A Rare Historic Collection of Hot Toon Pornographies by Patrick Baker & Elan Trinidad (Devastator) $5.00
Grimm Fairy Tales 16 Prints Ready to Frame (Taschen) $19.99 – Packaged in a sturdy cardboard box!
Plus other restock of cheap Taschen books (various prices from $9.99 and up)!: Tom of Finland: Complete Kake Comics, Forever Butt, Tiki Style, MC Escher: Kaleidocycles, Encyclopaedia Anatomica, Book of Symbols, Complete Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery & more!
Pareidolia by James Jean (PIE Books) $45.00
Dick Slays the Dragons by Avery Dick $14.95
Cannabis Health Index: Combining the Science of Medical Marijuana with Mindfulness Techniques to Heal 100 Chronic Symptoms and Diseases by Uwe Blesching (North Atlantic) $24.95
You Might Remember Me: The Life and Times of Phil Hartman $16.99
Special Deluxe: A Memoir Of Life and Cars by Neil Young $18.00 – Now in soft cover.
Bitch #69 Win 16 Gamer Geeks $6.95
Juxtapoz #180 Jan 16 $6.99
Little Squares issues #3 & #4 $5.00 each
Razorcake #89 $4.00
Brick #96 Winter 15 a Literary Journal $15.00
Porn for Ladies #2 $8.00
Hamburger Buger Bike Seat Cover $7.00
Vinyl Record Bookends $15.00
Fridge Soldier Bottle Opener $10.00
Krampus Greeting Cards Box Set 2 20 Assorted Metal Tin $19.95
2016 Organizer Planner (Justseeds and Eberhardt Press) $10.00
Here’s a sample of some new stuff this week!