S #27 Baltic Comics Magazine Jan 17 (kus) $12.00. Also, issues of Mini Kus $5.00: #47 Sutrama by Daniel Lima, #48 by Olive Booger, #49 Call Of Cthulhu by Martin Lacko and H.P. Lovecraft, #50 by Mathilde Van Gheluwe, Brume by Amanda Baeza $18.00
New Territory #4 Coexisting by Tina Casagrand $15.00
How to Quantum Leap $5.00
Surviving: Getting Through the Shit Life Throws at You by Faith G. Harper $3.00
Great and Terrible Golden Age #3 Movies of the 1930s by Emily Alden Foster $5.00
Why I Got My Breast Reduction $3.00
Okay Fine, Here’s What To Do Zine: A Guide for Post 2016 Election $2.00
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Fight Normalization $2.00
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Composite Internet Boyfriend by Jaime Raybin $5.00
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How To Recognize Voter Suppression by Bronwyn Mauldin $7.00
Homeworld #2 by Elora Powell $1.00
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Limestone by Matt Christy $22.00
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Scab Vendor: Confessions of a Tattoo Artist by Jonathan Shaw $21.95 – If truth is indeed stranger than fiction, then, as Shaw’s friend and literary mentor Charles Bukowski once told him, much of this book would have to be lived before it could be written.
The Baffler #34 Spr 17 Snare of Preparation $14.00
Juxtapoz #195 Apr 17 $6.99
Vive Le Rock #42 Punk’s Unsung Heroes $11.99
Fader #108 Mar Apr 17 Sex Issue $6.99
Bitch #74 Spr 17 $6.95
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