Oct ’09 |
17 |
7:00 pm |
With Sunny Outside Press, Featuring Nathan Graziano, Micah Ling and Charly “the city mouse” Fasano!
Nathan Graziano lives in Manchester, New Hampshire with his wife and two children. He is the author of Teaching Metaphors (sunnyoutside, 2007), Not So Profound (Green Bean Press, 2004), Frostbite (Green Bean Press, 2002), and seven chapbooks of poetry and fiction. His work has appeared in Rattle, Night Train, Freight Stories, the Coe Review, the Owen Wister Review, and others. His third book of poetry, After the Honeymoon, will be published in fall 2009 by sunnyoutside press.
Micah Ling is the author of the collection Three Islands, which is forthcoming from sunnyoutside press. She earned her MFA at Indiana University. Her poems have appeared in Harpur Palate, Flyway, Fifth Wednesday, and others. Her chapbook, Thoughts on Myself, was published by Finishing Line Press. She teaches writing and literature classes at Indiana University and at Butler University. She also serves as Deputy Editor for Keyhole Magazine. She lives in Bloomington, Indiana.
Charly \”the city mouse\” Fasano is a poet and spoken word performer from Chicago. His stories/poems are inspired by his experiences touring with rock and roll bands, failed relationships and being lost in familiar places. He is the co founder of book publisher and cassette tape label Fast Geek Press / analog empire. He is determined to present the general public audio recordings and books that document the work of underground poets, musicians, artists and comedians in dead media formats. His monthly contribution to Lubricated Zine Online called “City Slicker Coconuts” is an examination of life in Chicago.
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