Jul ’09 |
12 |
5:30 pm |
Paul Buhle has edited several books of comic art, including Studs Terkel’s Working: A Graphic Adaptation, Wobblies!, A Dangerous Woman, Students for a Democratic Society, A People’s History of American Empire and The Art of Harvey Kurtzman: The Mad Genius of Comics. An active member of Champaign-Urbana, Storrs, and Madison SDS chapters during the late 1960s and founding editor of Radical America as well as co-author of The Encyclopedia of the American Left, Buhle will discuss the legacy of alternative media and underground papers as well as his contemporary work in graphic adaptation of left history at the newly expanded and relocated Alternative Press Center (APC).
The APC is a periodicals library and nonprofit collective that promotes access to independent and critical sources of news and information. Founded in 1969, it remains one of the oldest self-sustaining alternative media institutions in the United States. The APC Library is located in Logan Square after more than 30 years in Baltimore, Maryland. The most recent five years of the collection is held at the APC Library and includes titles from around the world such as Colorlines, n+1, Souls, Gay & Lesbian Review, EarthFirst! Journal, Off Our Backs, Camera Obscura, Claridad, Historical Materialism, Canadian Dimension, Review of African Political Economy, Labor History, Hypatia, Red Pepper, El Viejo Topo, Le Monde Diplomatique, and hundreds more. In addition to the periodical collection, the APC Library has more than 1,800 books — classics of the Left with emphasis on the 1960s and 1970s.
Buhle’s books and other merchandise will be on hand courtesy of Quimby’s and APC will celebrate the author’s presence and its move with free wine, beer and snacks.
For more info: www.altpress.org
At The Alternative Press Center / 2040 N. Milwaukee, 2nd floor.
Note: the location is not handicap accessible