This is for those of you who want to look at it here instead of on your e-mail.
Fabulous free event going-ons this month as usual at Quimby’s. If you’re all “I’m hatin’ on your events, I just wanna buy things,” then scroll past the event stuff and check out the awesome new stuff we’ve gotten since the last time you heard from us.
But before we get into events, here are three announcements you’ll be psyched to learn. The first is this amazing tidbit: Quimby’s will stay open for an extra hour on Sundays. Instead of 6pm, we’re going to stay open until 7pm! The people have spoken, and the people have made it clear that they need Quimby’s give them more time to shop. Who are we to argue? Announcement #2: we’ll be at C2E2 Comicon (Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo) at McCormick Place from April 14th-16th. Come visit the Chicago Comics/Quimby’s booth and say hello. Announcement #3: we’re starting a monthly meet-up for you to attend called “Work In Progress.” Details follow of course, but if you want to see the full description, click here.
Free April Events at Quimby’s
For more info about events at Quimby’s, see
Monday, April 5th, 7pm J. Bradley Reads From Dodging Traffic
J. Bradley points to three enduring sources for his inspiration: Jameson, revenge, and his wife, Jelian. Not a likely combination for a poet, but one that has brought forth Dodging Traffic (Ampersand Books). Loud, raucous, lively: J. Bradley’s poetry is widely published and admired, and, in this, his first collection, he brings the full bore of his trademark poetic styling and larger-than-life imagery. Lust, love, contempt, disgust, parental guidance, and poetic revenge, crafted with unbridled imagination and unmistakable skill. Dodging Traffic hearkens back to the times of childhood, when life was still interesting and imagination could bring cardboard boxes and discarded love affairs to life.
“J. Bradley is the Veruca Salt of the literary chocolate factory, writing with a satirical brazenness that leaves cavities among the reader’s eyes. There is a sugary darkness to his work and a lackadaisical charm; that of a black-market dental hygienist. J. delivers new audacity, important romance, and certainty. He acknowledges the sensational ugly without apprehension. His ideas are of an entirely different species and his wit knocks at postmodern…stunned today, laughing tomorrow. Dodging Traffic is the classic, the sequel will forever envy.” -Sarah Morgan, Author of Animal Ballistics
For more info:
Tuesday, April 6th, 7pm Joyland vs. CellStories: Brian Joseph Davis of Joyland + Dan Sinker
Brian Joseph Davis of Joyland will be reading from Ronald Reagan, My Father and Dan Sinker of CellStories will present stories from cellphones. By the time Brian Joseph Davis stops in Chicago to promote his new collection of short stories, Ronald Reagan, My Father (ECW), over half will have been given away via Chicagoan Dan Sinker’s CellStories project. The two met when Sinker was finding content partners and, a short story web journal edited in 7 different North American cities and co-founded by Davis, was a perfect match, leading to Davis to experiment with distributing his own stories. Tonight they’ll read and talk about the ins and outs of free fiction. In Ronald Reagan, My Father the elderly take to the streets at night for illegal electric scooter racing. A copy editor suffers brain damage from a virus and is suddenly filled with cannibalistic violence and award-winning minimalist poetry. A Texas doctor transplants the mind of a meth-addicted convict into the body of a suburban web developer, resulting in America’s first “death-penalty case that turned into a custody case that turned into a right-to-die case.” Brian Joseph Davis is an artist and the author of Portable Altamont, a collection that garnered praise from Spin Magazine for its “elegant, wise-ass rush of truth, hiding riotous social commentary in slanderous jokes.” Slate called his first novel,
I, Tania, “The book of your fever dreams.”
Dan Sinker is the founder of Punk Planet magazine and is the creator of CellStories, which provides a new short story or essay everyday and has been recently praised in Publisher’s Weekly for its bold approach to networked reading.
For more info: , ,
Friday, April 16th, 7pm Joe Meno Reads From The Great Perhaps
Joe Meno is an accomplished young writer and playwright from Chicago. A winner of the Nelson Algren Literary Award, he is the author of four novels and two story collections. His work has appeared in McSweeney’s and broadcast on NPR, and he was a longtime contributing editor to Punk Planet magazine. Time Out Chicago recently called him one of their “cultural heroes,” and in a recent feature on Chicago, GQ wrote that Joe is “the closest thing we’ve got to a literary ambassador.” And now, in his latest novel a soft cover version of THE GREAT PERHAPS (W. W. Norton) Meno returns to that Chicago landscape to introduce five characters searching for simple ways to understand the world’s big questions–Professor Jonathan Casper, his wife, two daughters, and father.
Madeline, Jonathan’s wife, is an animal behaviorist tracking the aggressive behavior of pigeons. The study is compromised, though, by Madeline’s inability to remain an observer; instead she finds herself consistently interceding in her subjects’ cages, trying to save the submissive creatures from the forceful ones. When she’s home from the lab, Madeline feels compelled to watch the news coverage of the ground war in Iraq. This fascination is often counterbalanced by a flood of anxiety that takes over every time she tries to understand the human aggression splashed across the TV screen. Jonathan is also a scientist struggling with his work. A paleontologist who has devoted his entire life to finding a giant, prehistoric squid, Jonathan is on the verge of being beaten to the discovery of the elusive creature by the young, talented, and highly respected Dr. Jacques Albert. To Jonathan, this creature is the imperative missing piece that will confirm evolution as the indisputable force propelling animal life, providing the scientific community with the necessary tools to truly understand where humans have come from. The stress of these pursuits takes its toll on Jonathan and Madeline’s marriage, and the two find themselves looking into the realms that their subjects inhabit. Jonathan daydreams about the depths in which his muse swims while gazing at maps of the ocean, and Madeline looks to the sky for comfort, company and rejuvenation.
Also joining the bill is: Jon Resh, author of Amped, Gretchen Kalwinski, of fame, Patrick Somerville, author of Trouble (Vintage) and The Cradle (Little, Brown), and folks from Knee-Jerk Magazine.
For more info:
Friday, April 23rd, 7pm Librarian Zinesters and Zine Librarians
Four card-catalog-holding librarians will ride into Quimbys on their book carts, zines in hands on April 23rd. These self-professed print culture nerd zinesters will read at what promises to be an entertaining evening stereotype busting. What, you thought all librarians shushed? Well, shush to you.
Zinesters reading include:
Celia Perez, author of the perzine I Dreamed I Was Assertive and mamazine Roots & Wings;
Library school student Jami Thompson of the long-running No Better Voice;
Lower East Side Librarian Winter Solstice Shout Out and Reading Log publisher Jenna Freedman
Nell Taylor, zine contributor and Executive Director of the Chicago Underground Library
There may even be limited references to Boolean operators. You won’t want to miss this chance to get your library geek on!
For more info:
Saturday, April 24th, 7pm Patrick Wensink and Michael Allen Rose
Yes, there will be a Sex Dungeon for Sale! at Quimby’s.
The book with that title, that is.
Combine an optimistic realtor selling a home with a sexual playground, a kindergartener convinced he’s actually French, and something called “Chicken Soup for the Kidnapper’s Soul,” and you get Patrick Wensink’s hilarious collection of short stories titled Sex Dungeon for Sale! (Eraserhead Press). Join Patrick Wensink as he reads from this new book.
Sex Dungeon for Sale! takes these bold characters and a few other outrageous situations to create an unforgettable and quick literary ride. While keeping an eye focused on the surreal, but both feet firmly planted in reality, these stories dissect a modern world so strange you have to laugh. Wensink’s punchy style is perfect for the brevity-obsessed Twitter generation, but saves room in his utility belt of brief tales for humor, humanity and an extra helping of WTF?.
“A deliciously dark and funny book” –Louisville Courier-Journal
“Unputdownable” –The Next Best Book
“Wensink’s evident writerly talents make this an auspicious debut.” –James Greer, author of Artificial Light and The Failure
“Sex Dungeon for Sale! takes facets of everyday American life and twists them until they gag out comedic gold.” -Joey Goebel, author of Torture the Artist and The Anomalies
Also joining the bill is Chicago’s playwright Michael Allen Rose, who will read from his RoShamBo Theatre production Attack Ships on Fire.
For more info:
April 28th, 7pm-8:30pm Quimby’s “Work In Progress” Meet-Up
Join us for our monthly get-together entitled “Work In Progress.” The idea is to provides feedback, community and work space. You can bring whatever you’re working on, whether it’s a zine, a comic, or some other project. We’ll provide the space and time, you provide the help for each other. This monthly event will take shape however it needs to. It will meet on the last Wednesday of every month here at Quimby’s from 7pm-8:30pm. For more info about what we mean by providing “feedback, community and work space,” click here for a full description and mission statement.
Thursday, April 29th, 7pm Chicago author Josh Wilker reads from Cardboard Gods
Cardboard Gods is the memoir of Josh Wilker, a brilliant writer who has marked the stages of his life through the baseball cards he collected as a child. While it is rooted in a life obsessed with baseball, Cardboard Gods is much more than just a baseball book; it’s a touching family saga that perfectly captures an era, the late 1970s. Like Nick Hornby or Chuck Klosterman, Wilker finds something very large in the seemingly small.
Josh expertly shares his classic observations about his central artifacts, the baseball cards, while setting up the poignant tales of his youth. He uses the magical bubble-blowing powers of journeyman Kurt Bevacqua to shed light on the weakening of the powerful childhood bond with his older brother; he considers the doomed utopian back-to-the-land dreams of his hippie parents against the backdrop of inimitable 1970s baseball figures such as “Designated Pinch Runner” Herb Washington and Mark “The Bird” Fidrych; he writes about an imagined correspondence with his favorite player, Carl Yastrzemski. Cardboard Gods is both the perfect book for baseball fans and a great read for anyone compelled by the question, “What if what’s gone can return?”
“Josh Wilker’s Cardboard Gods is a poignant and vivid account of how and why he accessed baseball cards as a survival tool while negotiating a 1970s childhood marked by changing mores and confusing mixed messages. This is a story of brotherly love, survival of the also-ran, and the hope that quickens a kid’s heartbeat each time he rips open a fresh pack of baseball cards, gets a whiff of bubble gum, and, holding his breath, sees who he’s got as opposed to who and what he needs. If you love the writing of Dave Eggers or Augusten Burroughs, you just may love Josh Wilker’s Cardboard Gods, too. I did.”
–Wally Lamb, New York Times bestselling author of She’s Come Undone and The Hour I First Believed
“Josh Wilker writes as beautifully about baseball and life as anyone ever has.”
–Rob Neyer, ESPN
For more info:
****New Stuff at Quimby’s****
For weekly updates of new stuff, see
Best Friends by Marian Runk $10.00
High Soft Lisp by Gilbert Hernandez (Fantagraphics) $16.99
Part of Rebellion #3 Erosie You Have One New Message by C100 (Publikat) $19.95
Flux Designer Toys by Shawn Wright (Gingko) $29.95
Way cool postcard books (see below for an example of just one of the Ian Stevenson ones) from the amazing Concrete Hermit folks overseas. Cool stuff rom these artists: Andrew Rae, Anthony Burrill, John Slade, Koichiro Takagi, Jeremyville, Cody Hudson. Prices vary.
Spring Goals zine by Jay Krevans $3.00
Seattle Review vol 2 #2 and #3 $10.00
True History of the Elephant Man: A Definitive Account by M. Howell and var. (Skyhorse) $12.95
It Was the War of the Trenches by J. Tardi (Fantagraphics) $24.95
A variety of Moleskine 18 month planners, starting July 2010 to Dec 2011, variety of prices
Paper Apr 10 $4.00
Lists To-Dos Illustrated Inventors Collected Thoughts and Other Artists: Enumerations From the Smithsonians Archives of American Art by Liza Kirwin (Princeton) $24.95
Print and Pattern Bowie Style by Bowie Style {aka Marie Perkins} (Laurence King) $35.00
Dot Dot Dot #19 (Princeton) $16.95
Hip Snips: Your Complete Guide to Dazzling Pubic Hair by Pablo Mitchell (Quirk) $9.95
Obsessive Consumption: What Did You Buy Today by Kate Bingaman Burt (Princeton) $19.95
The Addams Family: An Evilution by Chas Addams (Pomegranate) $39.95
Dong With a Luminous Nose by Edward Gorey (Pomegranate) $14.95
Jumblies by Edward Lears, illustrated by Edward Gorey (Pomegranate) $14.95
Sinister Truth MK Ultra graphic novel by Jason Ciaccia and A. Norhanian (Pop Indsutries) $11.95
El Propio #3 Somer Season mini-comic $.25
The Muse the News and the Noose #6 Quiet Songs by John Wawrzaszek $2.00
No Dogs Allowed: Buffy the Cat by Paul Smulson $17.93
Me Magazine #19 Spr 10 by $7.50
Flaunt #108 $8.95
Thor: Tales of Asgard HC by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby etc. (Marvel) $29.99
Newsboy Legion vol 1 HC by Joe Simon/Jack Kirby (DC) $49.99
Krazy and Ignatz in Tiger Tea HC by George Herriman, Craig Yoe (IDW) $12.99
Book of Grickle HC by Graham Annable (Dark Horse) $17.99
Black Blizzard The Legendary 1956 Thriller by the creator of A Drifting Life by Yoshihiro Tatsumi
(DQ) $19.95
Beachbum Berry Remixed a Gallery of Tiki Drinks: The Recipe Books Intoxica and Grog Log combined with 107 New Drinks by Jeff Berry (Club Tiki Press) $24.95
Wacky Packages Includes Bonus Pack of Rare and Unreleased Stickers (Topps/Abrams) $19.95
120 Days of Simon: A Graphic Odyssey Through Sweden by Simon Gardenfors (Top Shelf) $14.95
Hey Princess by Mats Jonsson (Top Shelf) $14.95
Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis HC (Abrams) $24.95
Phonogram vol 2 The Singles Club TPB by Kieron Gillen and var. (Image) $14.99
Invincible Iron Man vol 1 Marvel Masterworks by Stan Lee and var. (Marvel) $24.99
Dapper Caps and Pedal Copters: Many Marvelous Wondermark Comic Strips by David Malki (Dark Horse) $16.99
Maximumrocknroll #323 Apr 10 $4.00
Laphams Quarterly vol 3 #2 Arts and Letters $15.00
Neural #35 $8.00
IdN vol 17 #1 $17.50
IDN Extra 02 Midnight Sessions $25.00
Death and Taxes Mar Apr 10 $4.99
Venus Zine #42 Spr 10 $4.50
Art Lies #65 $7.00
Sovereign #9 Apr 10 $3.95
XLR8R #132 $4.99
Best of Skunk vol 2 $6.99
Tattoo Society #21 $7.99
Wax Poetics #40 $9.99
Tattoo Ideas #38 Mar 10 $7.95
Bizarre #160 $10.50
Bomb #111 Spr 10 $7.95
Bust Apr May 10 $4.99
Left Turn #36 Apr May 10 $5.00
Turnstile #1 Win 09 10 $4.95
Modart No 1 Forget Art In Order to Feel it The Best of Modart Magazine (Modart) $29.95
Emigre No 70: The Look Back Issue Selections from Emigre Magazine #1 through #69 (Gingko) $49.95
Hammer Making Movies Out Of Sex and Life by Barbara Hammer (Feminst) $19.95
Pen and the Sword Conversations with Edward Said by var. (Haymarket) $15.00
Academic Repression Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex by var. (AK) $24.95
How The Economy Was Lost The War of the Worlds by Paul Craig Roberts (AK) $15.95
Getting Out: Your Guide to Leaving America by Mark Ehrman (Process) $16.95 – updated edition.
Read Hard: Five Years of Great Writing from the Believer, by var. (McSweeneys) $18.00
Misadventure by Millard Kaufman (McSweeneys) $22.00
Goth Vamps and Dandies by Gavin Baddeley (Plexus) $19.95
Dawn of the Dreadfuls Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Steve Hockensmith (Quirk) $12.95
Economics Anti Textbook: A Critical Thinkers Guide to Micro Economics (Zed) $35.00
Band of Bikers photo book by Scott Zieher (PowerHouse) $24.95
Gristle From Factory Farms to Food Safety by Moby and var. (New Press) $14.95
Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America by William Kleinknecht (Nation) $16.95 – Now in soft cover.
Ronald Reagan My Father by Brian Joseph Davis (ECW) $17.95 – We’re sensing a pattern here.
Pinstripe Planet 2: More Fine Lines From the World’s Best by Herb Martinez (Korero) $37.95
Hyperart Thomasson by Genpei Akasegawa etc. (Kaya) $17.95
Ovulation Awareness Sex Ed and Social Commentary (2nd ed.) by Sam $4.00
The Great Perhaps by Joe Meno (W.W. Norton) $14.95
Performing Guzzling by Kim Gordon (Nieves) $60.00 – Includes a signed print! We only got one, so ya better hustle if you want it.
Song is You by Arthur Phillips (Random) $15.00
Black Jack vol 10 by Osamu Tezukah (Vertical) $16.95
Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson (Vintage) $7.99 – Now in mass market paperback, following The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
The Comedians Feb Mar 10 $4.50
Purge Zine (stream of consciousness) $1.00
Ninth Letter vol 6 #2 $14.95
Very Hungry Caterina by Katherina Audley $3.00
Mysterias Mansion Annual 2010 by Nik Havert $6.25
Razorcake #55 $4.00
Herman the Manatee vol 1 Gets Hit By a Boat min-comic by Jason Viola $3.00
Sunward mini-comic by Jason Viola $4.00
Vervm Corpvs #1 by var. $4.99
El Propio #4 $.25
JS Bound Struggles #7 $5.00
Paranoia The Conspiracy Reader vol 1 by Joan D’Arc and Al Hidell $14.00
Believer #70 Mar Apr 10 Film Issue $10.00
Harpers Magazine Apr 10 $6.95
Juxtapoz #111 Apr 10 $5.99
Return to Sender/Harpermorray by Morray Brenton Harper $2.00
First Line vol 12 #1 Spr 10 $3.00
Six By Six #20 Big Ships Straddle the Horizon $5.00
Wallpaper Apr 10 $9.50
Wire Mar 10 #313 $11.99
Boys vol 6 The Self Preservation Society by Garth Ennis and var (Dynamite) $19.99
Dubble Feecher Helluva Nite Goo Goo Muck by Lale Westvind $2.00
17 Indian Books #1 by Oscar Arriola $4.00
Permanent Vacation 1 by Viking and Morgan $6.00
10000 Tons of Black Ink Best of 2009 Edition $5.00
Flaneur an Illustrated Journal of Independent Global Culture $4.00
The Match #108 $3.00
No 6.’s Information $4.50
Ghetto Ps Big Butt Magazine $6.00
Divides Guide To Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a Presentation For Modern Reader by Joe Gioia $13.95
Tape Op #76 $4.95
Sober Living for the Revolution Hardcore Punk Straight Edge and Radical Politics by Gabriel Kuhn (PM Press) $22.95
Arrested (Arrestproof Yourself): What to Do When Your Loved Ones in Jail by Wes Denham (Chicago Review Press) $16.95
Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, ed. by Ellen Datlow (Tachyon) $15.95
Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals: The Evil Monkey Dialogues by Ann/Jeff Vandermeer and Duff Goldman (Tachyon) $11.95
Type vol 2: A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles 1901-1938 by var. (Taschen) $59.99
Hot Stuff Disco and the Remaking of American Culture by Alice Echols (W.W. Norton) $26.95
Penny Century by Jaime Hernandez (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Sand and Fury: A Scream Queen Adventure by Ho CHe Anderson (Fantagraphics) $16.99
Hungry As Always $1.00
1 800 MICE #4 $4.00
shortandqueer #14 The Best Thing That Happened Today Was 2009 by Kelly Shortandqueer $3.00
shortandqueer #13 A Musical Autobiography by Kelly shortandqueer $2.00
Duplex Planet zine #186 $2.00
Artist Music Journal vol 1 #7 A Curated Series From Soundscreen(featuring Post Typography and var.) $16.99
Van Goghs Ear vol 7 The Supernatural Edition by F. Picano $19.00
Overtime Hour 12 This is How We Do Things at The Post Office by P. Cook $2.00
Up the Logic Punks #2 Fall 08 Logic Punks About Zines Punks and Anarchists by Ciara Xyerra $2.00
Love Letters to Monsters #2 by Ciara Xyerra $2.00
Debris vol 2 DVD Video Escombros $12.00
Me Myself and My Third Eye DVD Four Enlightened Stories for One Important God by Alan Cooley $12.00
Wild Things by Dave Ehhers (Vintage) $14.95 – Now in soft cover.We still have a few left of the hardcover, so get ‘em before they go away!
Original Road Kill Cookbook by BR Buck Peterson (Ten Speed) $7.95
Man Eating Bugs The Art and Science of Eating Insects by Peter Menzel and var. (Ten Speed) $19.99
Invitation to Destroy DVD: The Slipping Glimpser and Other Momentary Projects by Conrad Freiburg $20.00
Smokestacks and Spires #1 Now Let Me Tell You Something by Jake Snider and Megan Stanton $3.00
Fast Food Sandwich Shop Zines by Dan Copulsky $.50
Concisely Magazine of Short Prose #2 by Daniel Copulsky $3.00
Little Brother #1 $4.00
Squid Pro Quo by Jason $2.00
Sleeps With Ghosts #0 and #1 by Sarala B $3.00 each
Beautiful Mess #1: Read Your Own Risk and Beautiful Mess #2 $3.00 each
Zeniths Integrate Nouveau Effervescences: A DIY resource and How to Guide $1.00
For Lack of Better Words: A Collection of Letters by Sarala B. $2.00
Buildings & Bodies by Ryan Dodgson $10.00
Fury #18 by Mark Novotny $4.00
Culture Slut #20 by Amber Forrester $2.00
Motor City Kitty #13 and #14 by Z. Bri $1.00
Soup #1 through #7 A Day in the Life Daily Comic Zine by Brian Steinberg $3.00 each
Femme a Barbe vol 1 by Jenna Bri $2.00
Sassyfrass Circus #4 by Jenna Bri $1.00
Blink and the World Goes Blank by Filbert Conroy $4.99
Kilter #7 Spr 10 $5.00
Abortion is a Woman’s Right by Pat Grogan and Evelyn Reed (Pathfinder) $6.00
Tales From San Papel $10.00
Odyssey: A Migratory Story $2.00
Lightningbug Zine #10 by Kristin Munro $.25
Great White Honky Visits South Korea vol 1 by Nate Beaty $2.00
The Current #2 Fall 09 $5.00
Against the Current #145 $5.00 – Um! They’s just jealous.
The Progressive Mar 10 $3.95
FEDS Presetns: Sweets Magazine vol 3 #12 $5.99
Tattoo Revue #146 $6.99
Transworls Skateboarding Apr 10 $3.99
Rebel Ink Magazine Apr May 10 $5.99
Treating Yourself #21 $7.99
Jubilat #17 $8.00
True Detective vol 2 #20 $4.49
Under the Radar #30 $4.99
Pank #4 $12.00
Radical Philosophy #160 $13.00
Filter #39 Win 10 $5.95
Gothic Beauty #30 $5.95
Earth Island Journal Spr 10 vol 25 #1 $5.00
Boho #7 $5.99
ASR #53 Win 10 Anarcho Syndicalist Review $5.00
Horror Hound #22 Mar Apr 10 $6.99
Extra vol 23 #3 Mar 10 $3.95
Alarm #37 $18.00
Grafik #182 $19.99
Irrationalist by Suzanne Buffam (Canariam Books) $14.00
New Romancer #1 Illustrated Demo Copy by A. Rees and var. $3.00
High Times May 10 $5.99
Signal to Noise #57 Spr 10 $4.95
Color Skateboards vol 8 #1 $7.99
Irredeemable vol 1 TPB by Mark Waid and Peter Krause (Boom) $9.99
Greek Street vol 1 Blood Calls For Blood TPB by Peter Milligan (Vertigo) $9.99
Zig and Wikki in Something Ate My Homework by Nadja Spiegelman and Trade Loeffler (Toon Books) $12.95
Our Sentence is Up Seeing Grant Morrison’s Invisibles Sequart Journal #5 by Patrick Meaney and var. (Sequart) $26.95
King of Flies 1 Hallorave by Mezzo and Pirus (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter HC by Seth Grahame-Smith (Grand Central) $21.99
Hellboy vol 9 Wild Hunt by Mike Mignola and var. (Dark Horse) $19.99
Cabinet #36 Friendship $12.00
Best Friends by Marian Runk $10.00
Definitive Prince Valiant Companion HC by Hal Foster and var. (Fantagraphics) $39.99
Spaz #2 Stories by Emi Gennis $2.00
Tintin and Snowy Album 1 by Guy Harvey and var. (Last Gasp) $9.99
Art of Herge vol 2 Inventor of Tintin 1937 to 1949 by Philippe Goddin (Last Gasp) $39.99
All City Writers (Kitchen93) $68.00 – Fancy street art book.
New York City Black Book Masters (From Here to Fame) $14.95
Giant Robot #64 $4.99
House of Tomorrow by Peter Bognanni $24.95
REPRINT! Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs by the Icarus Project and The Freedom Center $3.00
Primitive Toothcare A DIY Guide to Uncivilized Oral Hygiene by Rowan Gangulfr $2.50
BTFA #2 CSHA (Crusing Notes) $5.00
RFD #141 $7.75
East Village Inky #43 by Ayun Halliday $3.00
Tom Neely comics and books at various prices: Blot, Your Disease Spread Quick a Comic Book Inspired by the Music of the Melvins, Brilliantly Ham Fisted 23 Comic Strip Poems
Papercutter #12 $4.00
Postsingular by Rudy Rucker (Tor) $15.95
Family Properties: How the Struggle Over Race and Real Estate Transformed Chicago by Beryl Satter (Holt) $18.00 – Now in soft cover.
Crush by Michael Gallinari and John Cutrone Lee $3.00
Under Red Sky #2 by Michael Gallinari and John Cutrone Lee $3.00
Literary Review vol 53 #2 $8.00
Overview of Blissiopia from Cityscape Mountain Cloud/View Scape by Edwin R Perry $2.00
Bushwick Review #1 by Kristen Felicetti $5.00
Zapatistas: Rebellion From the Grassroots to the Global by Alex Khasnabish (Fernwood) $26.95
Go Down Together: The True Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde by Jeff Guinn $16.99
Ripped: Tshirts From the Underground by var. (Universe) $30.00
Big Machine by Victor Lavalle (Spiegel) $15.00
The Bear That Wasn’t by Frank Tashlin (New York Review) $15.95
Butt #28 Fantastic Magazine for Homosexuals $9.90
Complete Ouija Interviews by Sarah Becan $10.00
Shuteye #5 Castling by Sarah Becan $4.00
Miscellaneous Comics by Catherine Peach and var. $2.00
Catgirls vol 1 and vol 2 by Catherine Peach $1.50
I Was an Open Paper by Melanie Cook $3.50
Fulcrum by Melanie Cook $2.50
KerBloom #82 Jan Feb 10 $2.00
Zine Name $1.00 – A template for you to make your own zine, computer free! Often what trips people up are figuring out the page numbers. So we got it all figured out for you. Plus, ideas for writing! Make a zine with the help of this, and then come consign it here at Quimby’s. When you bring your zine back to us, we’ll guide you through the consignment process.
Brainscan #24 and 25 by Alex Wrekk $5.00 – Open this thick handprinted envelope and a conucopia of Brainscan tumbles out: baby-sized Brainscan #24, monstertruck-sized Brainscan #25 and also a little Epilogue zine to help sweeten the deal. This zine pack is a real heart-on-the-sleeve labor-of-love and I would recommend it to anyone interested in things that are awesome.
Buster Bear Go Hard Chicago by Alex Cohen $3.00
Clouds Clouds Clouds by Jordan Bernier (Nudashank Gallery) $10.00
Coffee & Boardgames #1 $3.00
Dad #1 by Timothy $1.75
Famous Hairdos of Popular Music #4 Aretha Franklin by Ethan Krause $3.00
In the Same Vein: Characters Overheard in Conversation by Ricardo Cozzolino $3.00
Jennifer Love Hewitt Times Infinity by Kevin Fanning $3.00 – Coming to us just in time for the Oscar Season, this zine seems to be part of a new generation of fan-fiction slithering into Quimby’s lately, a breed that has one eyeball reading People Magazine while the other one is tackling the footnotes of Infinite Jest. Here, Fanning casts “the other J-Lo” in his new creative writing series. It’s a serious part, but Hewitt’s presence adds wit and lightness to the stories, probably because of a grand combination of Fanning’s skill with prose and Hewitt’s cache of celebrity je ne sais quoi.
Milk Milk Lemonaid #14 Drinkin Whisky and Doin Pushups Spr 10 $2.00
Sure to Shore #1 $1.00
Uncle Envelope #15 Thelonius Mancat Adventures for Profit by Peter Lazarski $4.50
Watch the Closing Doors #50 by Fred Argoff $2.50
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 8 vol 6 Retreat by Jane Espenson etc. (Dark Horse) $15.99
Stooge Pile Loved By Millions by Seth Sepiver (DQ) $19.95 – More of an art book. Of DQ’s “Petits Livres” series.
Strange Tales (Marvel) $29.99
Demo vol 2 #2 Pangs by Brian Wood and Becky Cloonin (Vertigo) $2.99
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep #9 by Philip K. Dick and Jonatham Lethem (Boom) $3.99
Breathers Books #1-4 by Justin Madson $5.00 each.
Unlovable vol 2 by Esther Pearl Watson (Fantagraphics) $22.99
Red Book by David Shrigley (Chronicle) $16.95
For Love and Money: New Illustration, ed. by Liz Farrelly and Olivia Triggs (Laurence King) $40.00 – This book will investigate these myriad ways of working and creating, by featuring portfolios of images from a diverse range of more than 80 contemporary practitioners, some of whom have never before been featured in a book.
Ecodesign: The Sourcebook, Third Edition Fully Revised by Luke Alastair Faud (Chronicle) $35.00
Sticker Bomb 2 with over 280 Peelable Stickers, by Studio Rarekwai (Laurence King) $24.95
Fast Forward vol 2 by Scott Forman, Kona Morris, Nancy Stohlman $12.00 – Flash fiction.
Girls and Corpses #4 Spr 10 $8.95
Lost States True Stories of Texlahoma Transylvania and Other States That Never… by M. Trinklein (Quirk) $24.95
Yetis, Sasquatch, & Hairy Giants by David Hatcher Childress (Adventures Unlimited) $18.95
Secret History of the World by Mark Booth (Overlook) $16.95
Secret Lives of Great Filmmakers What Your Teachers Told You… by Robert Schnakenberg (Quirk) $16.95
Still Life: Adventures in Taxidermy by Melissa Milgrom (HM) $25.00
Bizarre #159 Feb 10 $10.50
Fortean Times #259 Apr 10 $11.99
Best Of Model Engineer vol 2 $11.90
Hella Nation: Looking for Happy Meals in Kandahar, Rocking the Side Pipe, Wingnuts War Against the GAP, and Other Adventures with the Totally Lost Tribes of America by Evan Wright (Berkley) $16.00
Blank Spots On The Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagons Secret World by Trevor Paglen (New American Library) $16.00 – Now in soft cover.
Hellbent for Cooking: The Heavy Metal Cookbook by Annick Giroux (Bazillion) $27.95
Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and With Almost No Money by Dolly Freed (Tin House) $12.95
Purple Fashion vol 3 #13 $35.00
BlackBook #74 Mar 10 $4.50
Tabu Tattoo #41 $7.99
Creative Nonfiction #38 Spr 10 $10.00
Criminal Class Review vol 3 #1 $15.00
Gigantic #2 $7.00
Oyez Review #37 $5.00
Wet Ink #17 $15.99
How High Am I Journal Genius Ideas Drawings Stuff You Dont Want To Forget (Chronicle) $9.95
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Postcard set (Chronicle) $9.95 – book of 30 postcards.
Clash #46 $8.99
Mojo #197 Apr 10 $9.99
Wire Feb 10 #312 $10.99
I Don’t Care About Your Band: What I Learned From Indie Rockers, Trust Funders, Pornographers, Felons, Faux Sensitive Hipsters, and Other Guys I’ve Dated by Julie Klausner (Gotham ) $15.00
How To Be A Better Person by Sebb Hunter (Atlantic Books) $14.95 – A steamrolling account of the author’s forays into the world of charitable volunteering.
Monocle vol 4 #31 Mar 10 $10.00
Dumbo Feather Sum 10 $19.99
This is All I Can Offer You: Futile Attempts To Appease The Poetry Gods by Shappy Seasholtz $5.00 – Poems about chupacabras, Hamburglar and wearing your favorite pants until they smell funky. It should come as no surprise this wiseguy is Quimbys alumni.