CHIPRC’s Zine Club: Zinespiration Edition + Zine Club Quimby’s Anniversary!

Sep ’19
7:00 pm

Which zines inspire you — to create, to dream, to change your life in big or small ways? This month, ’s is celebrating the titles that provide us with Zinespiration! We’ll also be commemorating ’s one-year anniversary here at Quimby’s, so please join us for the festivities and, as always, a fun discussion and snacks. Zine newbies and longtime enthusiasts alike are welcome!

CHIPRC’s Zine Club, which is Chicago’s only book club-style event for people who read zines, is produced by Chicago Zine Fest organizer . Thank you to Zine Club member Heather Anacker for suggesting this month’s theme!

Here’s the Facebook event link.

(flyer above by Anna Jo Beck)