Prints aren’t reproductions of someone else’s art. They are original works of art created by artists. Come see how they are made, what makes them so special and find contemporary and affordable ones to take and wear home.
Printpalooza Print Fair
Saturday, January 29, Noon to 4 pm
Free admission
Featuring live printmaking demonstrations, on-the-spot t-shirt printing, an affordable original print market (prices start below $20), the Dumbo Press and one-of-a-kind publications from Drive By Press, Cannonball Press, Spudnik Press and Comix Revolution + DJ sets by abstract science.
Free parking.
Accessible from the CTA Purple Line Davis and Foster stops.
Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University
40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 847.491.4000
I know where i’m going this weekend! PRINTPALOOZA!