Bartkira (Floating World) $15.00 – A fan tribute to Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira and The Simpsons. That is, Akira as fed through a Simpsons filter. Featuring contributions by 19 artists: James Harvey, Danny Hynes, Marcel O’Leary, Michael Kim, Erica Henderson, Jacob Chabot, Cameron Stewart, Ben Ommundson, Brenton Barnes, Luke Novel, Richie Pope, Jon Huddleston, Jason Rainey, Cory Tran, Bodie Chewning, Alchemichael, Frans Boukas, Tyler Patrick Boss, and Ben Jelter. The full color gallery section includes illustrations by Wyatt Carroll, Jeremy Arambulo, Areil Vergez, Jaime Munoz, Alexandre Ghostthead, Rawn Gandy, Nick Sumida, and Ryan Humphrey.
Towards a Poetics of Man Bat by Brian Cremins, Allison Felus, Jake Austen, Tony Trigilio $3.00
Gondwanaland #1 by Aaron Willson $2.00
Finally Friday by Lily $4.00
Everyday Art #1 Life on Film by Rudas Priest $20.00
Stuck In Place Some Thoughts On Belonging by Claire Urbanski $4.00
Everyday Magic #1 by Finn $3.00
Analog #2 Dispatches on DIY Anorexia Recovery by Ponyboy Violet $3.00
Peanut Gallery Chicago June 2014 by Kelly Reaves $5.00
Judas Goat Quarterly #62 by Grant Schreiber $1.50
Doris #31
Comics & Comix
Magic Whistle #14 by Sam Henderson $4.99
How I Made the World by Liz Plourde and Randy Michaels $2.95
Daygloayhole #2 by Ben Passmore $6.00
Dont Be Afraid of the Dark by Anne Collet $25.00
Rom #2 Prison Riot by Josh Bayer $5.50
Suspect Device #4 by Josh Bayer $8.00
Believed Behavior #2 by Andy Burkholder, Michael DeForge, Anya Davidson, Lale Westvind, Lyra Hill, Sophia Foster Dimino $5.00
Baby Town #3 Mimi Chrzanowski $5.00
Smoo Comics #7 by Simon Moreton $6.00
Saints Love by Krystal DiFronzo $8.00
No Funnies #11 Music and Comics by Jason Walter $3.00
Powdered Milk #13 by Keiler Roberts $2.00
Family Portrait by Anne Collet $4.00
various issues of Coin Op by Peter & Maria Hoey $6-$10 each
Have Two Eyes by Rx Burns $2.00
Watching Dustys Trail by Andy Rench $4.00
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
Luba and Her Family by Gilbert Hernandez (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Twelve Gems by Lane Milburn (Fantagraphics) $19.99
Chus First Day of School by Neil Gaiman and Adam Rex $17.99
Youth Is Wasted: A Collection of Comics by Noah Van Sciver (Adhouse) $14.95
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias Crimson Corsair TPB $19.99
Eyes of the Cat (Yellow Edition) by Moebius and Jodorowsky (Humanoids) $34.95
I am Warhol by Laura Postma $7.00
Echo Lake by Letitia Trent (Dark House) $15.95
Whisperers: The Secret History of the Spirit World by J H Brennan $16.95
Crystal Eaters by Shane Jones (Two Dollar Radio) $16.00
Ha Ha Funny
Poking a Dead Frog: Conversations with Today’s Top Comedy Writers, ed. by Mike Sacks $18.00
Outer Limits
Chaos and Cyber Culture by Timothy Leary $29.95
Universe in the Rearview Mirror: How Hidden Symmetries Shape Reality by Dave Goldberg $17.00
Kids Books
Lil Merl and the Dastardly Dragon: A Story Activity Book by Liam Barrett (Nobrow/Flying Eye) $13.95
Hi Fructose #32 $7.95
Skeptic vol 19 #2 14 $6.95
Skeptical Inquirer vol 38 #4 Jul Aug 14 $4.95
Company High Street Edit Sum 14 $7.99
Juice #72 $3.99
Monster Children #43 $9.99
Video Watchdog #177 $8.95
Fangoria #334 Jul 14 $10.99
King Brown #9 $28.00
Art Diary International 2014/2015 $19.90
Maximumrocknroll #374 Jul 14 $4.99
Decibel #118 Aug 14 $5.99
RFD #158 Sum 14 $9.95
Tattoo Society #44 $7.99
Lit Journals
Paris Review #209 $20.00
Meat #13 $20.00
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