New Stuff This Week



zines from Bethy Squires:
Freaky Witches of Ancient Greece and Rome $4.00
Final Girl #1 $1.50
Negative Yelp Reviews of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World $1.50


Extazine #2 Requiem For a Dune Special Sci-Fi Edition and issue #4 $6.00 each

Namaste Motherfucker #3 by Ben Terrall $4.00

KerBloom #116 Sep Oct 15 by Artnoose $2.00

Judas Goat Quarterly #67 Fall 2015 by Grant Schreiber $1.50

Actyon Sprts Ntwyrk #2 $2.00

Incandescent #8 A Color Film Zine $14.00

500 Piece Tiger Puzzle #2 by James Chrzan and Mike Bremmer $5.00


Identity #1 $5.00

Drop Target #7 by Jon Chad and Alec Longstreth $4.00

Third Eye Shuffle #1 $1.00

Antidote by Theo Ellsworth $6.00

Tenacity of Granite Part 2 by Kevin Oliver $1.00

War Days #1 Belief by Melissa Des Rosiers $5.00

Friends With Punefits $6.00


See You Next Tuesday by Jane Mai (Koyama Press) $12.00

Drinking at the Movies by Julia Wertz – New Koyama Press reprinted edition! $15.00

Class Photo by Robert Triptow (Fantagraphics) $14.99

Kill My Mother by Jules Feiffer $18.95

Adventure Time vol 7 by Pendleton Ward $14.99

Suite Francaise Storm In June by Emmanuel Moynot (Arsenal Pulp) $21.95

Adult Contemporary by Bendik Kaltenborn (D+Q) $26.95

Only What’s Necessary: Charles M. Schulz and the Art of Peanuts by Chip Kidd and Geoff Spear $40.00 – A best of, much of which has never been seen before.


Russian Revolutionary Posters, From Civil War to Socialist Realism From Bloshevism to the End of Stalinism by David King (Tate Publishing) $24.95

Dead: Celebration of Mortality by Charles Saatchi (Booth-Clibborn Editions) $25.00 – Out on Tues the 27th!

Crossways Book by Phil Woollam (Koyama Press) $22.95 – The ever-changing grids that make up the modern urban center, be they intersecting streets, crisscrossing wires, or the ladder that climbs up the side of a building. Phil Woollam is an artist living in Toronto whose drawing-based practice often focuses on multiples that recall the colorful geometry of the Memphis movement and De Stijl. Woollam has also created 3D works including mascots based on the work of Michael DeForge.

Wailed by Robin Nishio (Koyama Press) $21.95 – See the young alternative comics makers in their natural environs!

This Book Loves You by Pewdiepie (Razorbill) $15.99

The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Companion for the 21st Century by Richard Polt $26.99 – These magical, mechanical contraptions are more popular than ever, and this book provides practical advice on how to choose a typewriter, how to care for it, and what to do with it.

Headbangers by Jacob Ehrbain (PowerHouse Books) $40.00 – Guess what the topic of these photos are? Pimply teenaged metalheads have never been as popular as they are now. There should be a genre “Metalhead art books” ’cause there seem to be a lot of those in the past 8 or 9 years. Woe to you oh earth and sky for the Book Publisher sends the expen$ive photobook with wrath. -LM

Art of Recovery by Roger Hammond Moy $16.50


The Voiceover Artist by Dave Reidy (Curbside Splendor) $15.95

Killing Boys by Abby Callaghan $10.00

The Mark and the Void by Paul Murray $27.00

Submission by Michael Houellebecq $25.00


Disco’s Out…Murder’s In!: The True Story of Frank the Shank and L.A.’s Deadliest Punk Rock Gang by Heath Mattioli and David Spacone (Feral House) $22.95 – Real life punk rock gangsters!

Why Hope?: The Stand Against Civilization by John Zerzan (Feral House) $13.00 – The infamous eco-anarchist John Zerzan whose books have resulted in recent interviews by Vice and Believer magazines, checks in with further provocative articles about the chaotic results of civilization and technology.

Witches In America by Alex Mar (FSG) $26.00 – Witches! Not just for Halloween anymore!

Severed: A History Of Heads Lost and Heads Found by Frances Larson $15.95 – Now in soft cover!

Season Of the Witch: How the Occult Saved Rock and Roll by Peter Bebergal $16.95 – Now in soft cover.

Explore Everything: Place-Hacking the City Hardcover by Bradley Garrett (Verso) $29.95 – An account of the author’s escapades with the London Consolidation Crew, an urban exploration collective.


Full Body Burden: Growing Up In The Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats by Kristen Iversen $15.00

Database of Dreams: The Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity by Rebecca Lemov (Yale U Press) $35.00 – Just a few years before the dawn of the digital age, Harvard psychologist Bert Kaplan set out to build the largest database of sociological information ever assembled. It was the mid-1950s, and social scientists were entranced by the human insights promised by Rorschach tests and other innovative scientific protocols. Kaplan, along with anthropologist A. I. Hallowell and a team of researchers, sought out a varied range of non-European subjects among remote and largely non-literate peoples around the globe. Recording their dreams, stories, and innermost thoughts in a vast database, Kaplan envisioned future researchers accessing the data through the cutting-edge Readex machine. Almost immediately, however, technological developments and the obsolescence of the theoretical framework rendered the project irrelevant, and eventually it was forgotten.

Not That Kind Of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She’s Learned by Lena Dunham $16.00 – Now in soft cover.

Trees on Mars: Our Obsession with the Future by Hal Niedzviecki (Seven Stories Press) $18.95

The State of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture by Daniel Goldberg, Linus Larsson (Seven Stories Press) $20.00 – A call to consider the high stakes of video game culture and how our digital and real lives collide. Here, video games are not hobbies or pure recreation; they are vehicles for art, sex, and race and class politics. FEATURING: IAN BOGOST – LEIGH ALEXANDER – ZOE QUINN – ANITA SARKEESIAN & KATHERINE CROSS – IAN SHANAHAN – ANNA ANTHROPY – EVAN NARCISSE – HUSSEIN IBRAHIM – CARA ELLISON & BRENDAN KEOGH – DAN GOLDING – DAVID JOHNSTON – WILLIAM KNOBLAUCH – MERRITT KOPAS – OLA WIKANDER.

In North America by R. Ariel $15.00


Petro-Subjectivity: De-Industrializing Our Sense of Self by Brett Bloom (Breakdown Break Down Press) $8.00 – An investigation of petro-subjectivity and how it shapes the things we do and inhibits our capacities to think future ways out of it. What’s petro-subjectivity? It’s the sense of self and the world that shapes who we are and what we think. And it’s oily. Very oily. It might take generations, but this book seeks to help get oil out of our sense of self. -LM

Petro_Subjectivity end papers

You Don’t Have To Like Me: Essays On Growing Up, Speaking Out, and Finding Feminism by Alida Nugent $16.00

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell $27.95 – An insightful and unconventional account of George Washington’s trusted officer and friend, that swashbuckling teenage French aristocrat the Marquis de Lafayette.

Fire the Cops!: Essays, Lectures, and Journalism by Kristian Williams (Kersplebedeb Publishing and Distribution) $20.00


1,411 Quite Interesting Facts To Knock You Sideways by John Lloyd and by John Mitchinson $15.95 – Lizards can’t walk and breathe at the same time. The soil in your garden is 2 million years old. What?! For real.

So, Anyway by John Cleese $16.00

Social Animals: A Berkley Bestiary by Ryan Berkley $18.95


Lost Recipes of Prohibition: Notes From a Bootlegger’s Manual by Matthew Rowley $35.95

How To Make Tea the Science Behind the Leaf by Brian R. Keating $18.95


Fader #100 Oct Nov 15 $6.99

Creative Nonfiction #57 Fall 15 $10.00

Brownbook #52 $14.99

Harpers Magazine Nov 15 $6.99

Dazed and Confused vol 4 Fall Win 15 $10.99

True Crime Oct 15 $9.99

Paper Oct 15 Nowstalgia $10.00 – No, that is NOWT a typo.

Fantastic Man #22 Fall Win 15 $14.99

Flaunt #142 The Elixir Issue $15.95

Little White Lies #61 Truth and Movies $12.99


Cycle by Lois Chris $10.00

Erratic Fire, Erratic Passion by Jeff Parker, Pasha Malla and illustrated by Nathan McKee (Featherproof Press) $14.95 – Erratic Fire, Erratic Passion is a collection of found poems composed of the words of professional athletes.

Sins in Good Taste – Poetry and Illustrations by Dana Jerman $3.00


RFD #163 Fall 15 $9.95


Apple Cabin Foods Liartown 2016 Wall Calendar $14.95 – New hilarious Liartown USA Apple Cabin 2016 calendar. By Sean Tejaratchi of Crap Hound fame.


Cards Against Humanity, Second Expansion Pack $10.00

Adventure Time Postcard Library, 100 Cards in 4 Books 25 in Each $19.95