Nov ’15 |
21 |
7:00 pm |
You may have seen blind man-at-large, Andy Slater (aka Velcro Lewis) walking around Chicago with his trusty white cane. He makes being blind look so easy but if you ask him about his disability he’ll tell you just how hard it can be. From the stereotypical Mr. Magoo routines like walking into a tree to the confrontations with people who accuse him of faking his disability, Andy’s stories can be both amusing and heartbreaking. In an honest one-on-one or a sardonic rant, Andy is always willing to talk about his experiences.
Slater’s Chick Tract-inspired comic, How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?, chronicles his experiences as a blind pedestrian enduring harassment from aggressive ableists and the unwanted “help” from busy-body gawkers. The book doubles as a DOs & DON’Ts guide on assisting blind folks.
The comic was created so that Slater had something physical to hand to curious people or aggressive jerks that he runs into. Witnessing Slater cut a loudmouth down to size is an act of beauty but has weighed on the author’s soul. This comic ends the debate before it starts and saves many from embarrassment.
Slater looks to spread his propaganda like a Chick comic. Illustrated by Steve Krakow How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?, stays true to the Chick tract format. The comic will blend perfectly on any church’s reading rack between The First Jews and The Gay Blade.
Andy Slater will read from his comic and share more or his absurd experiences. There will also be a Q & A with the author. Ask anything… learn everything!: “How do you wipe your butt?” “Can you fight like Daredevil?” “How come you don’t have a guide dog?” “Do blind people dream of invisible sheep?” “Do you know Stevie Wonder?”
Artist, Marisa Choate, will read excerpts from her piece, 1000 Voices, a collection of personal stories about disability told by people with and without disabilities. Slater will also make chili!
More info:
Facebook event invite to send to people can be found here on Facebook.
Sat, Nov 21st, 7pm – Free Event, Quimby’s Bookstore
P.S. You might be interested in his most hilarious video he made for Rock Trauma:
release party for Velcro’s comic book @QuimbysBooks 11/21 #HowManyFingersAmIHoldingUp? #ADA25