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Cemetery Language of Flowers by Allison C. Meier $10
I Am Not This Body by Vanya Emilia Minskoff Andersson $5
Zines by Cuyler Keating (Punched Tin Press): Pocket Herball Which Giveth Knowledge and Understanding of All Manner of Herbes and There Gracyous Vertues, $10, Blessed Are Ye: Dead a Guide to the Many Graveyards of New England (3rd edition) $15
I Am Grotesque by Eric Clift-Thompson $5
Comics & Minis
Brain School by Jam $2
Comique #1 by Bart Laube $2
Hell Crime by Ralph Hooten $1
New Comics by David Hankins: Bugs $2, Lazer Attack #1 $2, Yellow House $4
Huey #3 Huey’s Day by Levi Friedman $10
Graphic Novels
Comics For Choice (2nd ed) by various (Silver Sprocket) $29.99
Tits and Clits 1972-1987, edited by Joyce Farmer, Lyn Chevli & Mary Fleener (Fantagraphics) $59.99
Ephemera: A Memoir by Briana Loewinsohn (Fantagraphics) $24.95
Harvey Knight’s Odyssey by Nick Maandag (D+Q) $24.95
Sucker by Elle Shivers (Silver Sprocket) $15.99
Changeling vol 2 Tina N. Lugo (Silver Sprocket) $13.99
Ant Story by King Louies Lab $20
Art Books
Behind the Scenes Graffiti Series from Soi Books, $10 each: CHIP7LAND by CHIP7 (Bangkok), Kowloon Bustle by Xeme Hello (Hong Kong), Sool Boomb Book by Art of Sool (Itay)
How to Not Fuck Up Your Art World Happiness: 60 Tips and Tricks on How to Stay Relaxed and Mentally Sane In the Art Industry by Christoph Noe $14.95
100 Writing and Crafting Papers Foods and Sweets (PIE International) $29.99
Politics & Revolution Books
Cry of Mother Earth: Plan of Action of the Ecosocialist International by Ecosocialist Horizons (PM Press) $14.95
Lives Less Ordinary: Obituaries of the Eccentric, Unique and Undefinable, edited by Nigel Farndale Times Books) $24.95
Music Books
Psychedelia: 101 Iconic Underground Rock Albums 1966-1970 by Richard Morton Jack $39.95
Mayhem & Outer Limits
Bringer of Life: A Cosmic History of the Divine Feminine by Hayley A. Ramsey (Adventures Unlimited) $18.95
Giza Death Star Revisited by Joseph P. Farrell (Adventures Unlimited) $19.95
The Eyes and the Impossible by Dave Eggers (McSweeney’s) $28
Lit Journals & Chap Books
Moss Piglet March 2023 $12
Vampthology Book One: Cycle by Eric Clift $12
Sex and Horror – The Art of Roberto Molino edited by Nicola D’Agostino (Korero) $36.95
FutureLux Illustrated Fantasy Comix #1 by Scott Gerard Ruhl $10
Girls Girls Gore: Macabre Maidens for the Morbidly Inclined $3