Jim Goad Reads From Criminal Class Press

Mar ’10
8:00 pm

Jim Goad is the world’s bravest man or so says his wildly hilarious politically extreme website JimGoad.net. With an obscenity trial, a prison sentence and an emergency life-saving brain surgery to his credit he may not be too far off with that claim. Goad is the author of the Red Neck Manifesto a book which is extremely anti-PC became a New York Times Best Seller in a time when PC was the thing to be. Jim got his start as a writer publisher and editor of the ANSWER Me! magazine. The magazine would land him an obscenity trial for the Rape Issue. Jim has also written Gigantic Book of Sex.

Chuck Palahniuk had this to say about Jim Goad’s writing, “brutally honest without worrying about being correct.”

Vice Magazine had this to say about Jim Goad’s Gigantic Book of Sex, “This entire book is gross and hilarious.”

Jim’s memoir titled Shit Magnet chronicles a wild spiral of love, lust, death, and his imprisonment after a violent altercation with a lover whom he had a restraining order on at the time.

Also joining the bill is Chicago Criminal Class Press Editor and Chief Kevin Wheatley and Staff Writer Bill Hillmann both will be reading from the newest edition of , that which Goad has contributed to.

For more info: www.jimgoad.net and  www.criminalclasspress.com .