LADYDRAWERS: Gender and Comics in the US is a project about gathering information about women and trans peoples’ experiences in all aspects of the comics industry, Whether you’re a creator, bookseller, conventioneer, publisher, inker, or editor, this project will gather personal stories regarding the intersection between media production and issues of gender. This information will eventually be published in the introduction to a book collecting interviews with women and trans comics artists. If you are interested in answering questions or sharing information regarding professional engagement, gender and sexual identification, and the extent to which gender has been an issue in your own professional pursuits, contact James Payne at .
Monthly Archive for February, 2010
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Mar ’10 |
13 |
7:00 pm |
Nik Jajic (co-creator/writer) and Mike Czernaiwski (co-creator/additional art/letterer) present to you—the extremely attractive, and exceptionally brilliant reader—a twisted comedy that insists on blending genres, inducing panic attacks, and occasionally causing motion sickness, all in the form of their deliciously perverse new graphic novel The Big Bad Book from Alterna Comics. It’s been described as Clash of the Titans meets Office Space with a clown and a monkey… yeah, pretty sweet. What’s that?! Still not convinced?! Well then, listen to what a couple of extremely prestigious and very well endowed reviewers had to say:
“The Big Bad Book is a fun and breezy read, there are a lot of good ideas, and Jajic’s handle on dialogue is top notch” -aintitcool
“The Big Bad Book is a locker room humored trip through the absurd and bizarre… with devious clowns and thunder powered monkeys. Gotta’ love that!” -geekinthecity
Yes, it will be awesome, and yes you can get a signed copy, just mark it on your calendar, already! And don’t forget to wear something provocative! Purr!
For more info visit
Mar ’10 |
5 |
8:00 pm |
Jim Goad is the world’s bravest man or so says his wildly hilarious politically extreme website With an obscenity trial, a prison sentence and an emergency life-saving brain surgery to his credit he may not be too far off with that claim. Goad is the author of the Red Neck Manifesto a book which is extremely anti-PC became a New York Times Best Seller in a time when PC was the thing to be. Jim got his start as a writer publisher and editor of the ANSWER Me! magazine. The magazine would land him an obscenity trial for the Rape Issue. Jim has also written Gigantic Book of Sex.
Chuck Palahniuk had this to say about Jim Goad’s writing, “brutally honest without worrying about being correct.”
Vice Magazine had this to say about Jim Goad’s Gigantic Book of Sex, “This entire book is gross and hilarious.”
Jim’s memoir titled Shit Magnet chronicles a wild spiral of love, lust, death, and his imprisonment after a violent altercation with a lover whom he had a restraining order on at the time.
Also joining the bill is Chicago Criminal Class Press Editor and Chief Kevin Wheatley and Staff Writer Bill Hillmann both will be reading from the newest edition of Criminal Class Press, that which Goad has contributed to.
For more info: and .
1. The Baffler vol 2 #1 $12.00
2. Monocle vol 3 #30 Feb 10 $10.00
3. Cometbus #53 by Aaron Cometbus $3.00
5. Loop Distro Zine Grab Bag $3.00
6. Slingshot 2010 Large Organizer (Slingshot Collective) $12.00
7. Maximumrocknroll #321 Feb 10 $4.00
8. Snow Yak Show by Mark Ryden (Porterhouse) $12.95
9. Granta #108 The Special Chicago Issue (Granta) $16.99
10. Walking Dead TPB vol 11 Fear the Hunters by R. Kirkman, etc. (Image) $14.99
- This month's Uncle Envelope Surprise is from Important Comics Creator Dina Kelberman. Fill in blank baloons, color it, do whatever you want! #
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