Shannon Keller Fold Out Drippy Bone Books $3.00
Coloring Book for the Deranged Mind Government Issued 2nd Edition by Kennan Marshall Keller $6.00
Sonic Bonk #2 Grey Cover by var. $4.00
Rescreened by var. $4.00
Whore Eyes #3 by var. $10.00
Secret Beach #2 Gay Issue by Liam Warfield $3.00
Somethings that Dont Ever Help by DGW $1.00
Duplex Planet zine #187 $2.00
Black And White #1 Independent Thought for Your Entertainment by Jim Simmons and Dennis Hurt $3.00
No More Bummers #5 by var. $3.00
Dirty Hands #1 byy David Alvarado $5.00
Muse the News the Noose #7/Endless Escalators Megabus Split by John Wawrzaszek and Monica Anderson $1.00 – What do you mean I can get a Megabus bus ticket from Chicago to Detroit for two dollars on the internet? Is there some kinda catch – like enduring 10 hours of sleepless septic hell bus leaky bathroom fast food breakdown with 50 other drunks, thieves and collicky babies? Ah well, at least people aren’t being beheaded, like if I was riding Greyhound or something. -EF

Comics/Comix/Mini Comics
Galactic Breakdown #1 AKA Space Battleground 666 by KMK $8.00
Library by Jessica Penfold $7.00
Snowday by Jessica Penfold $10.00
Bottlenecks by Jesse Harold $6.00
Jumbly Junkery #9 by L. Nichols $5.00
Jerks in Space Manifesto by John Karnes $3.00
Viz #196 Jun Jul 10 $9.50
Graphic Novels/Trade Paperbacks
Werewolves of Montpellier by Jason (Fantagraphics) $12.99
Transition TPB: Phase 7 #10 and #11 by Alec Longstreth $11.00 – Heartfelt comics about discovering comics, obsessing over comics, making comics- Very much taking a McCloud expository approach, sort of like if “Understanding Comics” was redone as “Understanding Longstreth.” This book is also the reason, detailed examination AND convoluted-but-understandable explanation as to why Mr. Longstreth’s Phase 7 series has the most convoluted issue numbering system in minicomics today. -EF

Octopus Pie There Are No Stars in Brooklyn by Meredith Gran (Villard) $17.00
Life and Times of Martha Washington In the Twenty First Century by Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons (Dark Horse) $29.99
Daredevil Man Without Fear by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev (Marvel) $34.99
Oddly Compelling: The Art of Denis Kitchen by Denis Kitchen (Dark Horse) $34.99 – With an introduction by Neil Gaiman
Criminal vol 5 The Sinners by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Icon) $15.99
Jam: Tales From the World of Roller Derby, Co produced with the Rose City Rollers (Oni) $19.95
Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 3 HC by Alan Moore (Vertigo) $24.99
FI Fuck It #1 by Ashley Wood and TP Louise (IDW) $9.99
Somewhere by Daniel Murphy $12.00
Fiction/Poetry Books
Her Fearful Symmetry SC by Audrey Niffenegger (Scribner) $15.00 – Now in soft cover.
Citrus County HC by John Brandon (McSweeneys) $22.00
Audition by Ryu Murakami (WW Norton) $13.95 – The inspiration for the movie of this title directed by Takashi Miike. Now translated in English and in a nice looking soft cover volume.
Demons in the Spring SC by Joe Meno (Akashic) $17.95 – Now in soft cover. Still with all the wonderful illustrations as the hard cover had.
Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link (Penguin) $9.99 – Now in soft cover.
Invisible by Paul Auster (Picador) $15.00 – Now in soft cover
Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno by Ellen Bryson (Holt) $26.00
Art & Design Books
Trio Magnus Equally Superior, VERY Limited Edition $5.00
London Burners by Jete Swami (Prestel) $24.95 – A unique collection of London’s most dazzling high-speed train art.
Street Art New York by Jaime Rojo and Steven Harrington (Prestel) $24.95 “a must-have for anyone with serious interest in street art today”- Juxtapoz.
Lord of the Logos: Desigining the Metal Underground by Christophe Gzpaidel (DGV) $55.00
Impressive Print Making: Letterpress and Graphic Design (DGV) $69.00
Urban Interventions: Personal Projects in Public Spaces (DGV) $69.00
Graphics Reloaded (Promopress) $34.95 – 200 street art-esque motifs translated into a book and onto a CD, compiled over the span of 10 years by Stargraficos, a group of young group of designers. Street signs, fonts, graffiti — all in there. Use for your own projects! Cooler than most clip art. -LM
Do The Speak by Rick Boven $20.00
When I Die Bury Me In the Clothes of My Youth by var. $15.00
Outer Limits
Down and Derby: The Insiders Guide to Roller Derby by Jennifer Kasey Bomber Barbee & Alex Axles of Evil Cohen (Soft Skull) $14.95
Convalescent by Jessica Anthony (Grove) $14.00 – Now in soft cover.
Queen of the Ring: Sex Muscles Diamonds and the Making of an American Legend by Jeff Leen (Grove) $15.95 – Amazingly, what they don’t mention anywhere in the title or the subtitle the name of the woman this book is about: Mildred Burke.
I Hate Chicago by Nick Vandermolen $8.00
Lombardo Barnyard Level Up by Nick Vandermolen and Nick Jarmo $15.00
I Just Lately Started Buying Wings: Missives From the Other Side of Silence by Kim Dana Kupperman (Graywolf) $15.00
Fire In The Hole: A Year in the Life of the World’s Sorriest Stuntwoman by Colleen Kelli $17.95
Magazines/Literary Journals
Tattoo Society #22 $7.99
Dwell Jul Aug 10 $5.99
Fogged Clarity #1 2010 w/ Benjamin Percy, Joe Meno, and more $15.00
Paper Sum 10 $4.00
Artforum Sum 10 $10.00
Aorta #3 Radical Art Magazine $12.00 – Formerly artxx magazine.
Nelson Quarterly Journal vol 1 #2 Apr 10 $8.00
True Crime Jun 10 Detective Monthly $8.99
BlackBook #77 Jun Jul 10 $4.50
Scootering #288 Jun 10 $8.99
Under the Influence #7 Spr Sum 10: The Thatchers Children Issue $19.50
Wallpaper Jul 10 $9.50
Shots #108 $6.50
Chap Books
End of the City A Book of Afterwards by Oso Arcilla $4.00
Current Events, Politics & Revolution
Revolution and Other Writings A Poltical Reader by Gustav Landauer (PM Press) $26.95
Drawing the Line Once Again Paul Goodmans Anarchist Writing by Paul Goodman (PM Press) $14.95
New Reformation Notes of a Neolithic Conservative by Paul Goodman (PM Press) $20.00
Dispersing Power: Social Movements as Anti State Forces by Raul Zibechi (Enigma) $15.95
Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine by var. (Engima) $22.00
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers (Feminist Press) $8.95
Marx in Soho CD by Brian Jones and Howard Zinn (Haymarket) $16.00
Sex Guides & Culture & Art, And Then Sexy Too
In Our Control The Complete Guide to Contaceptive Choices For Women $21.95
Vivas Pinups Bullet Bras and Backseat Betties: The Photographic Art of Viva Van Story (Korero) $39.95
Spread vol 5 #3 $5.95
Pinups #12 Guillermo $14.00
Mr Bacons Big Adventure Board Game: Mad Dash Through Meatland $19.95
Dr Sneezerights Contagion Suppressors Tissue Box $3.00
Cthulhu Water Bottle $12.00 – Evil Elixir Drink Cannot Described Cthulu
Absinthe Lip Balm $3.00
Itty Bitty Rubber Chickens $.50
Not New This Week But New to Our Website For Purchase
Artichoke Tales by Megan Kelso – Kelso’s coming-of-age story about a young girl named Brigitte whose family is caught between the two warring sides of a civil war, a graphic novel that takes place in a world that echoes our own, but whose people have artichoke leaves instead of hair.

Billy Hazelnuts and the Crazy Bird by Tony Millionaire – Billy Hazelnuts is back for the first time since his acclaimed 2006 Eisner Award-winning debut.

Black Mass #1 by Kyle Patrick – B.ad M.oon R.ising! This comic is brilliant- modern magician Turdswallo Blackteeft and reformedcrust Dingball truck through fuct fortunetellin’, redlobster loveloss, punkguru timetravel and a hellbus to Memphis in a parallel universogram of Transylvanian fishylips. Highly recommended. -EF

Knights In Satans Service by Max G. Morton – Engrossing tales of wanting to rock n roll all night and party every day.

McGriddle Defense: Select Short Works About the Breakfast Sandwich by var. – Not since the Baja Chalupa have I felt like a fast food menu item so deserved 40 pages of art, comics, short prose and (yes) poetry devoted to capturing its essence. This zine is so McGriddlin’ you can practically smell the McMapleSausage steam rising off the charming cross-stitched cover art. -EF

Typeforce: The Annual Chicago Show of Emerging Typographic Allstars and Firebelly Design by the Public Media Institute – Word, Nerd.

You Don’t Get There From Here #14 by Carrie McNinch – An all-around life affirming issue of this nice diary series. Lots of intense dental work is offset by a jaunt to Oaxaca and plenty of coffee, coyote sightings and hangouts.