Miss our “New Stuff This Week” posts? It’s because we got a new system to track all of our items and ring people up. It made everything grind to a halt and now we’re picking up the pieces. And guess what’s back? Our weekly New Stuff Posts! You’re welcome. P.S. This is merely a sample of what came in for the past few weeks! Not everything is listed.
Zines & Zine-Related Books
Book of Instructions by Dan Gleason $3.00
Zines from Ashley Ronning, various prices: Tiny Friends, Satsuma-Imo, DIY Bookbinding, etc.
KerBloom #114 by Artnoose $2.00
Shotgun Seamstress #8 Apr 15 $5.50 – Wizard Apprentice, Chicago Black & Brown Punk Shows, Geretta Geretta, “Okada Boys” & more.
Why I Love Nic Cage and You Should Too Activity and Fun Book & Pages of Cages Activity and Fun Book II $5.00 each
What Is The Purpose Of Your Journey, Travel, Trip, Visit, All of the Above, Other: An Immigrant Artists Guide to Nowhere $7.00
Saysome #8 $4.00
Parents Money by Jay Hyun $2.20
Not Like You by Mike Delia, various issues, various prices
Mend My Dress #13 by Neely Bat Chestnut $2.00
I’m Supposed To Be Me But I’m Not by Ashlee Prewitt $2.00
Ghost vol 0 by Oscar Arriola $2.00
Black Cloud: A Morrissey Fanzine by Missy Kulik $5.00
Alley Connoisseur #3 Horizons by Raf & Sam $3.00
Comfort Food Zine $15.00
Works #1 by Brad Rohloff $12.00 – 24 Drawings 24 Stickers.
Satan is My Father by Allison Felus $3.00 – A Zine about Forgotten Misremembered and Nonexistent Bands.
My Snow Globe Life #1 by Johnnie B. Baker $1.00
zines from Bucket Siler (various titles)
I Belong Here by Kristin Stadium $1.00
Apricot vol 1 by Christopher Garcia $8.00
Who Will Police the Police On The Murder of Walter Scott $8.00
Pizza Eaters Present Hilarious coloring/activity books by such pop culture topics as: Lost, Horror Movies, Dexter, Buffy, X Files, Twin Peaks,The Wire, all $4.00 each
Acid Man, various issues, $4.00 each
Witches in the Weird World, various issues
Comics & Minis
BERLIN #19 by Jason Lutes (D&Q) $5.95
CRICKETS #4 by Sammy Markham $8.00
Collection Of Romantic Heartbreaks Major and Minor, Imagined and Actual by Shing Yin Khor (Sawdust Press) $5.00
Half Asleep vol 4 by Beth Hetland $8.00
Jessa Lee Rempel Comics and Illustration #1 $1.00
You Were Swell #3 by Sophie McMahon $6.00
Vibration Infection by Otto Splotch $3.00
Tofu Baby Collection of Favorites by Missy Kulik $2.00
River North Gold Coast Lyfe by Todd McCafrey $5.00
Marrs Brothers and the Castle in Kansas #1 by Patrick Collins $3.99
Linger by Timothy Kozul $3.00
Laskimooses #23 by Raukeava Liekki $7.00
IT WILL ALL HURT #2 by Farel Dalrymple $8.00
Humonculus by Paul Walker $3.00
Hey Kid Can You Spare a Dream $2.00
Garden Of Mine #1 by Thais Beltrame $5.00
Darling Sleeper by Keiler Roberts $8.00
Dogdream by Scott Roberts $6.00
Cyber Me by Ivy Atoms $3.00
CHEER UP ONE SHOT by Noah Van Sciver $5.00
Vacationland Travel Stories $7.00
Rat Learns To Be Assertive $7.00
Collection of Feels by Ian McDuffie $8.00
A whole bunch of Retrofit titles, including but not limited to: Piggy by Niv Bavarsky, Nature of Nature the Earth Is Square Like You by Disa Wallander and more!
ISLAND #1 by Brandon Graham $7.99
Why the Fuck are You Still in Chicago by Ryan Ehresman $2.00
Breeds of Kitty Ladies $3.00
various comics from Rebecca Mir Grady, including various issues of She Is Restless.
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
ROBERT CRUMB SEX OBSESSIONS (Taschen) $29.99 – Includes the strips My Troubles With Women, If I Were a King, A Bitchin’ Bod, and How To Have Fun With a Strong Girl, as well as 60 single page drawings.
POETRY IS USELESS by Anders Nilsen (Fantagraphics) $29.95
STROPPY by Marc Bell (D&Q) $21.95 – Mishaps and hilarity ensue and Stroppy is forced to go deep into the heart of Schnauzer territory to rescue his poet friend. Stroppy is Marc Bell’s triumphant return to comics; it’s also his first full-length graphic novella, one that thrums with jokes, hashtags, and made-up song lyrics.
Miseryland by Keilor Roberts $10.00
Darwin Carmichael Is Going to Hell by Sophie Goldstein & Jenn Jordan $25.00
Rollerdog by Simon Z. Krimms $13.00
Lower Style by Andy Burkholder $20.00
HAUNTER by Sam Alden $15.00
Welcome To The Wind by Abe Lampert $15.00
Mythology of S Clay Wilson vol 2 Demons and Angels (Fantagraphics) $34.99
Art & Design Books
Punishment Pig by Jack Lunenfeld $10.00
Don’t Come Up for Air by Josh Raab $10.00
Music Books
Crate Digger: An Obsession With Punk Records by Bob Suren (Microcosm) $14.95
Next Next Level: A Story of Rap Friendship and Almost Giving Up by Leon Neyfakh $16.95 – This book is sort of about Milwaukee rapper Juiceboxxx, sort of about the author, alongside meditations on taste, media consumption, and so on. Really though, it’s a case study in personal growth, and it’s almost like Juiceboxxx is incidental. This book has totally earned the comparisons being made to Chuck Klosterman or Carl Wilson’s Let’s Talk About Love. -LM
A whole mess o’awesome stuff from CCLAP (Chicago Center for Literature and Photography), including but limited to:
New York Stories: Three Volumes in One Collection by Ben Tanzer $14.99
Love Songs of the Revolution by Bronwyn Mauldin $14.99
Wounding Time by Hussein Osman $14.99
Chicago After Dark: A City All Star Student Anthology $14.99
Workers Write: Tales from the Coliseum (Blue Cubicle Press) $10.00 – contains stories and poems from workers in the sports industry, by Marjorie Maddox, Daniel Browne, Matthew Wilson, Bruce Harris & more!
In the Sky by Octave Mirabeau $10.00
Remarkable Courtship of General Tom Thumb SC $16.00
Talk by Linda Rosenkranz $14.95
Symmetry Teacher by Andrei Bitov $15.00
The Unnoticeables by Robert Brockway $24.99
Small Backs of Children by Lidia Yuknavitch $24.99
Love and Other Wounds by Jordan Harper $15.99
Speak: A Novel by Louisa Hall $27.99
Pop Culture-y Books Books
WE DONT NEED ROADS MAKING OF BACK TO FUTURE TRILOGY by Caseen Gaines $17.00 – Don’t miss the author here at Quimby’s on 8/1!
“As If” – The Oral History of Clueless As Told By Amy Heckerling the Cast and the Crew $16.99
Sick In the Head: Conversations About Life and Comedy by Judd Apatow $27.00
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari $28.95 – This much-loved comedian, actor and writer worked with a sociologist and collected mass amounts of field data about dating in the modern age in different countries, especially a world filled with social networking technology. Thoughtful and super hilarious, like if school were fun. -LM
Mozos: A Decade Running With the Bulls Of Spain by Bill Hillmann $15.95
Politics & Revolution Books
Feminism Unfinished: A Short Surprising History of American Womens Movements (soft cover edition) by Dorothy Sue Cobble and friends $15.95
Psychoanalysis and Transversality Texts and Interviews 1955-1971 by Felix Guattari etc. (Semiotext[e]) $18.95
The Pitchfork Review #6 Spr 15 $19.96
Monocle vol 9 #85 Jul Aug 15 $12.00
Escapist #2 from the Monocle Special Edition 2015 $18.00
Fool #6 The Fusion Issue $18.00
The Baffler #28 $12.00
Uppercase #26 A Magazine for the Creative and Curious $18.00
Fader #98 Jun Jul 15 $5.99
Wax Poetics #62 $11.99
2600 the Hacker Quarterly vol 32 #2 Sum 15 $6.95
Mass Appeal #56 $9.99
Ugly Things #39 $9.95
Maximumrocknroll #386 Jul 2015 $4.99
Juxtapoz #175 Aug 15 $6.99
Off Grid #8 $8.99
Wire #377 Jul 15 $9.99
Make vol 46 $9.99
Tom Tom Magazine #22 Sum 15 $6.00
Tape Op #108 Jul Aug 15 $4.95
Sneaker Freaker #33 $12.95
Greenfield #1 $8.00
Four Two Nine #5 $12.99
RFD #162 Sum 15 Out for Hire $9.95
Mojo #260 Jul 15 $10.50
Modern Farmer #8 Sum 15 $7.99
Hypebeast #10 $12.00
Skeptical Inquirer vol 39 #4 Jul Aug 15 $5.99
Rolling Thunder #12 Anarchist Journal of Living Dangerously $8.00
Pollen #1 The Idea of Natural History $15.00
Horror Hound #54 Jul Aug 15 $6.99
High Times Sep 15 $5.99
Dissent Sum 15 $10.00
True Crime Special Sum 15 20 All True Murder Cases $11.99
Lit Journals
Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet #33 $5.00
Six by Six #32 Out of Cardboard $6.00
Midwestern Gothic #18 Sum 15 $12.00
Kids Books
Fantasy Sports by Sam Bosma (Nobrow Press) $19.95
One Day On Our Blue Planet…In the Savannah by Ella Bailey (Flying Eye) $16.95
Other Stuff
2016 Moleskine planners are here! Some start in 2016, some start now and go through the end of 2016. Various sizes and colors.
Wurlington Bros Build Your Own Chicago/New York/SF/DC Postcards! A restock of old and some new ones too! Plus Memo Books!!! $4.95 each: Rookery Building Blank Memo Book & John Hancock Center Blank Memo Book
TOPPS 2015 WACKY PACKAGES Single Packs for $2.95
More Cards Against Humanity $25.00 – For in-store purchase only.