Monthly Archive for February, 2016

New Stuff This Week


Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files: Volume I by Arkady Bronnikov, Damon Murray & Stephen Sorrell (Fuel) $32.95 – 180+ photos of Russian criminal tattoos and official police papers from the collection of Arkady Bronnikov, regarded as Russia’s foremost authority on criminal tattoo iconography. Bronnikov worked as a senior expert in criminalistics at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs from the 60-80s. With the help of the tattoos, Bronnikov regularly helped to solve criminal cases across Russia to identify culprits and corpses. Another volume of his collection to follow!


Thrift: Shopping Second Hand to Supplement an Intentional Wardrobe $5.00

How Not 2 Run 4 President $2.00

Berniemania by Bae Cutler $7.00

Gender is Extraordinary Written by Alex Barnawell $7.00

Sounds of the Dark #4 by Bethany Clark $3.50

Small Beer by Liana Jegers (Tan N Loose) $10.00 – Selections from Liana’s recent train trip though Europe. Highlights include beer, candy, and churches.

Going Nowhere Sketchbooks 2013-2015 by Clay Hickson (Tan N Loose) $8.00 – Clay Hickson’s sketchbook drawings from 2013-2015. It’s packed with playful, fun filled renderings of quirky domestic interiors, pretty ladies, inanimate objects and household items. -CH

Overtime Hour 39 Leaf Blower by Thom Schramm $2.00

Basic Recon Skills (Pioneers Press) $4.00


Apple and An Adventure by Martin Cendreda $12.00 – A-Z story about a girl and her triceratops.


Sunday Styles by Ana Benaroya (Tan N Loose) $10.00 – “Love is in the air…can you smell it? From high school sweethearts to Yale graduates, this zine will educate every crevice of your body. It’s the summer of love…it’s a winter wonderland…it’s…livin’ la vida loca!” -Ana Benaroya

Defender by C. Cooper $2.00

Flirting With Death by Gabrielle Howell $1.00


The Complete Wimmen’s Comix (Fantagraphcis) $100.00 – In the late ’60s, underground comix changed the way comics readers saw the medium — but there was an important pronoun missing from the revolution. In 1972, ten women cartoonists got together in San Francisco to rectify the situation and produce the first and longest-lasting all-woman comics anthology, Wimmen’s Comix. Within two years the Wimmen’s Comix Collective had introduced cartoonists like Roberta Gregory and Melinda Gebbie to the comics-reading public, and would go on to publish some of the most talented women cartoonists in America — Carol Tyler, Mary Fleener, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Dori Seda, Phoebe Gloeckner, and many others. In its twenty-year run, the women of Wimmen’s tackled subjects the guys wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole: abortion, menstruation, masturbation, castration, lesbians, witches, murderesses, and feminists. Most issues of Wimmen’s Comix have been long out of print, so it’s about time these pioneering cartoonists’ work received their due. Presented as a gorgeous two-volume slipcased set, The Complete Wimmen’s Comix includes the ground-breaking 1970 one-shot, It Ain’t Me, Babe, the very first all-woman comic book ever published. Edited with an introduction by Trina Robbins.


Big Kids by Michael DeForge (D+Q) $16.95 – Teenage misfits and adolescent rabble-rousing take center stage in this dark coming-of-age tale.


Founding Fathers Funnies by Peter Bagge (Dark Horse) $14.99

You Can Change Your Mind by Rachel Howe (Tan N Loose) $15.00

Kill Your Boyfriend by Grant Morrison and friends $19.99

SNOWPIERCER vol 3 Terminus by Oliver Bocquet $29.99

Kaijumax Season One by Zander Cannon


Cocaine by Pitigrilli, illustrations by Jim Osborn (Ronin Publishing) $16.95 – Reprint of intoxicating fiction about pixie dust, published a year before Crowley’s Diary of a Drug Fiend.
Mrs. Houdini by Victoria Kelly $26.00

Lucky Alan and Other Stories by Jonathan Lethem $15.00

The Velocipede Races by Emily June Street (Elly Blue Publishing) $ 9.95 – Feminist YA steampunk bicycle racing novel.

Adios Cowboy by Olja Savicevic (McSweeney’s) $15.00

Paper Tigers by Damien Angelica Walters (Dark House Press) $15.95


My Brain on Fire: Paris and Other Obsessions by Leonard Pitt (Soft Skull) $16.95 – A misfit from Detroit studied mime and philosophy in the Paris in the 60s. Here’s his story.

Adjusted Margin: Xerography, Art, and Activism in the Late Twentieth Century by Kate Eichhorn (MIT Press) $26.95 – The Xerox machine revolutionized things! Like zines! Heres’s a book about it!

The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy by David Graeber (Melville House) $16.95


Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit (Haymarket Books) $15.99 – Cult hit back in print! Solnit reminds us how the activism of the past five decades affects new grounds for political engagement in the present.


The Rooftop Growing Guide: How to Transform Your Roof into a Vegetable Garden or Farm by Annie Novak $23.00

Mama Tried: Traditional Italian Cooking for the Screwed, Crude, Vegan, and Tattooed by Cecilia Granata (Microcosm) $11.95


Trouble Boys: The True Story of the Replacements by Bob Mehr $27.50


Objects of Desire: A Showcase of Modern Erotic Products $34.99

Elska #3 Reykjavik Iceland & Elska #4 Lisbon Portugal $18.50 each

Memoirs of a Not Altogether Shy Pornographer: Selected and Introduced by Jonathan Lethem (Pharos) $16.95

Kuntalini – Badlands Unlimited New Lovers #7 by Tamara Faith Berger (Badlands Unlimited LLC) $12.95


Maximumrocknroll #394 March 16 $4.99

Mojo #268 Mar 16 Bowie Starman Hero Genius $10.99

AdBusters #124 vol 24 #2 Mar Apr 16 Spooky $12.95

Boneshaker Magazine #17 $18.95

Skeptical Inquirer vol 40 #2 Biological Race and Human Diversity $5.99

Tattoo Society #52 $7.99

Atlantis Rising #116 $6.95

Tattoo Energy #99 $9.99

Mother Jones Apr 16 $6.99

American Atheist 1st Quarter 16 $4.95

Neural #52 $7.99

Quimby’s Welcomes The Pirate Book launch: Nicolas Maigret & Maria Roszkowska 3/24

Mar ’16
7:00 pm

Screen Shot 2016-02-27 at 8.21.05 PMThe Pirate Book offers a broad view on media piracy as well as a variety of comparative perspectives on recent issues and historical facts regarding piracy. It contains a compilation of texts on grassroots situations whose stories describe strategies developed to share, distribute and experience cultural content outside of the confines of local economies, politics or laws. These stories recount the experiences of individuals from India, Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Mali and China. The book is structured in four parts and begins with a collection of stories on piracy dating back to the invention of the printing press and expanding to broader issues (historical and modern antipiracy technologies, geographically specific issues, as well as the rules of the Warez scene, its charters, structure and visual culture…).

The Pirate Book, a compilation of stories about sharing, distributing and experiencing cultural contents outside the boundaries of local economies, politics, or laws.

Nicolas Maigret is an artist and curator based in Paris, his works have been presented in international exhibitions and festivals such as Transmediale (Berlin), File (Sao Paulo), Museum of Art and Design (New York), Chaos Communication Congress (Hamburg), China Museum of Digital Arts (Beijing), The Pirate Bay 10th Anniversary (Stockholm). Maria Roszkowska is a Polish graphic designer based in Paris. Between 2010 and 2014 she joined Intégral Ruedi Baur, a cultural graphic design studio in France. In 2013 she designed and coordinated Don’t Brand my public space, a 3 years research on the issue of cities applying branding strategies.

Published by Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana Co-published by Pavillon Vendôme Art Center, Clichy, Kunsthal Aarhus, and Abandon Normal Devices

For more info: | |

New Stuff This Week


Zap Comix #16 It’s the Human Condition (Fantagraphics) $14.99 – The final, previously-only-available-in-a limited/collector’s-edition issue of the the most important comic book series of all time! This blowout issue not only includes work by all eight Zap artists (plus a collaboration with cartoonist Aline Kominsky), but also three double-page jams by the group. Plus: Zap’s first-and-only color section, featuring comics by R. Crumb and Gilbert Shelton (his final Zap Wonder Wart-hog episode, no less). Paul Mavrides provides an alternately embellished version of Gilbert Shelton’s and his Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers episode, “Phineas Becomes a Suicide Bomber” (originally inked in the Complete Zap by Shelton).

Skeletor’s Guide to Self-Care by Skeletor (Eternia Press) $8.00 – The He-Man villain’s philosophy on self-care, radical mental health, and battling depression. From cutting toxic personalities out of your life (read: He-Man, Orko, Teela, etc) to learning the joys of being single, Skeletor gives the goods on finding a happy, satisfied, balanced life for yourself.





Sorrows of Dan Gleason #57 by Dan Gleason, with illustrations to Luke Smarto $3.00

Just Call Me Joe by Jeremy M. Brownlowe (Pioneers Press) $4.00

Science and Such by D.W.G. Wilkerson (Pioneers Press) $6.00

Basic Recon Skills (Pioneers Press) $4.00

Social Anxiety by Chris Horner $5.00 – Photo zine!

Biff Boff Bam Sock #6 Hoja De Trampas by Anna Jo Beck $6.00 – A reference guide for Spanish grammar! Si!

KerBloom #118 Jan Feb 16 by Artnoose $2.00

Semen Leather #3 Fiction $5.00

Hardcore Architecture: Grace Ambrose Maximumrocknroll $5.00

12 Contributors 5 Publications 5 Years (Temporary Services) $7.00 -It’s all right there on the cover — Temporary Services is up to their usual tricks, documenting the simultaneous rise & fall of print media with their patented, and risographed, meta-narrative edge. ~GS

Dog Zine #1 Guest Artist Peter Smyth $5.00 – For the love of Dog! Pallor Pink picks up the scent of comics artists and zine types and puts their paws together to muse artistically upon the splendor of our furry tongue-lolling pals. So smooth but so ruff! Cover sharply done up by in-house favorites Perfectly Acceptable. ~GS

Ack Ack Ack #4 by Matt Foster $5.00 – A succinct photozine taking halftone all the way, chronicling the spasmodics of today’s LA punk scene. Good sharp pics, crucial strainings, eardrum-approvedTM. ~GS


Cyanide Milkshake #7 by Liz Suburbia $2.00

Ley Lines For Lives by Andrew White $5.00

Ley Lines Poems to the Sea by Erin Curry $5.00

comics from Miranda Harmon:
Inter-Galactic Dance Party $3.00
The Haunted Ring $4.00
Possum Girl $4.00

We Are Gonna Be Friends by Cathy Hannah $5.00

Time Depression and a Genius by Ryan Burns $3.00

Still Guilty by Erik Schneider $2.00

Unsolved Mysteries by Chloe Wilson $2.00

Grubby Plops and Piles by Alicia Obermeyer $3.00

Transformer #2 Yr Deth Trip by Josh Bayer $5.00

Comic Guide to Brewing by Lara Antal $7.00

Corpus Corpus #666 by Paul Nudd & friends $22.00


Jonny Negron Selected Works 2012-2013 (Floating World) $12.00

In The Sounds and Seas vol 3 by Marnie Galloway $12.95

Revenger vol 1 Children of the Damned by Charles Forsman (Bergen Street Press) $14.95

Fieldhouse: Based On a True Story by Scott Novosel and Sam Sharpe $24.99 – Based on the true story of a Kansas Walk-on, with art by Chicago local comics artist Sam Sharpe.

Macabre Magazine vols #1-4 The Shocking Story of Harold Pepper In Missing Parts by Donald H Herion Jr $7.95 – Over 100 pages of horror and suspense.

Dream Fuse by Xin Xu $7.00

Bug Boys by Laura Knetzger $12.99

Belushi: On A Mission from God by Alberto Schiavone & Matteo Manera $18.95


Strike Art: Contemporary Art and the Post-Occupy Condition by Yates McKee $26.95


Get in Trouble by Kelly Link $16.00

Oshiro Maru by Donald Herion Jr. $9.95

Surveys by Natasha Stagg (Semiotext[e]) $15.95 – Fame! Be careful what you wish for! An on-line romance turns into internet stardom in this tale of modern romance. But what happens after the whirlwind parties and sponsored events, when an internet buzz turns into buzz-kill?

2 books of fiction by Amiri Baraka from Akashic Books, $15.95 each:
System of Dante’s Hell
Tales – Short Stories


From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Haymarket Books) $17.95


I Am Sorry to Think I Have Raised a Timid Son by Kent Russell $16.00 – Now in soft cover!

Good Trouble: Building a Successful Life and Business with Asperger’s by Joe Biel (Microcosm) $14.95

Narconomics: How to Run a Drug Cartel by Tom Wainwright (PublicAffairs) $26.99


How’s Everything Going? Not Good by John Michael Frank $21.95 – A very messy David Shrigley meets something else entirely. We promise you’ll like it. Or we’ll eat this pizza. Mmmmm pizza.


Lucky Peach #18 Spr 16 $12.00

No Friends #2 Win 15 $6.50 – No Friends, no problem. Chicago’s own HearattaCk/MRR-style newsprint P.A.F. scene mag enters its terrible twos with an orthodoxy of band interviews, record reviews, zine reviews, and a clear red flexidisc. Also a lot of opinions about The Scene. Includes interviews with W. Kamau Bell and The Cure’s Lol Tolhurst, whoa. ~GS

Wire #384 Feb 16 $9.99

Purple Fashion vol 3 #25 Spr Sum 16 $40.00

Smith Journal #17 $17.99

Frankie #69 $14.95

Sub/Verse #4 Jan Feb 16 $5.00

Mojo #267 Feb 16 The Sex Pistols $10.50

Wire #383 Jan 16 2015 Rewind $9.99

Cabinet #58 Summer 15 Theft $12.00

True Crime Jan 16 $9.99 Featuring Britain’s Godfather Darby Sabini

Monocle vol 9 #90 Feb 16 $12.00


New Pop Lit #1 $10.00

Wax Paper vol 1 #2 Win 15 $3.00

The Point #11 Win 16 $12.00 – Theme this issue: What is protest for?

New Stuff This Week

The Morbid Anatomy Anthology by Joanna Ebenstein & Colin Dickey (Morbid Anatomy Press) $30.00 – 28 lavishly illustrated essays about the intersections of the history of anatomy and medicine as well as death and the macabre. Topics include the catacombs of Palermo, books bound in human skin, death-themed cafes in fin-de-siècle Paris, post-mortem photography, eroticized anatomical wax models and more.


Heavy Whisper by Corinne Halbert $5.00 – Sexy drawing zine featuring bondage vignettes, seductress destroyers and ogling skulls.


Little Bay Denoc by Troy Lehman $8.00

Chomp #5 by Mitsu Sucks $12.00


Crickets #5 by Sammy Harkham (Fantagraphics) $7.00

Fade by Michelle LaPlante $4.00

Garbage Pail Kids American as Apple Pie Ten Sticker Card Packs! $2.95 each

Our Comics, Ourselves: Identity, Expression, and Representation in Comic Art $10.00 – A series of pic-rich essays from cartoonists & readers, of very varied identities, examining how they see themselves seeing comics seeing them — and how those prisms have shifted over the medium’s turbulent history. ~GS

Homebody #1-#3 by Nicole Jakus $3.00 each


Was She Pretty by Leanne Shapton (D&Q) $19.95

Future Shock Zero (Retrofit) $18.00 – 136 page comix anthology edited by Josh Burggraf focusing loosely around the watchwords of SCI FI ASTRO PLUS. Contributors include: LALA ALBERT, WILLIAM CARDINI, MARINE BLANDIN, JASON MURPHY, VICTOR KERLOW, PAT AULISIO, SOPHIA FOSTER-DIMINO, ANUJ SHRESTHA and more.


Lumberjanes vol 3 A Terrible Plan by Noelle Stevenson, Carolyn Nowak & Shannon Watters $14.99

The Chilling Archives of Horror Comics: Haunted Horror Pre-Code Cover Coloring Book (IDW) $9.99

Comics Dementia: A Love and Rockets Book, vol 12 in the Love and Rockets Library by Gilbert Hernandez (Fantagraphics) $19.99 – Collects buried treasures, oddities, and rarities from outposts of the Love and Rockets galaxy by Gilbert Hernandez. Most of these stories haven’t been available since the 1990s. Saints, sinners, and the Candidelike Roy mingle in jungles, cocktail lounges, living rooms and outer space. Ditko meets Melville meets Bob Hope-but the party really starts when the Alfred E. Neuman of the Love and Rockets multi-verse, Errata Stigmata, makes her entrance.


Puke Force by Brian Chippendale (D&Q) $22.95 – Don’t miss artist and musician Brian Chippendale here at Quimby’s on Feb 20th to talk about this crazy awesome graphic novel about the aftermath of an explosion in a coffee shop.


The Final Programme by Michael Moorcock $9.95 – Back in print! MM’s first book in the Cornelius series from the late 60s, of the drug-taking, physics-doing, sex-experimenting weirdo Jerry Cornelius. Bond but as an assassin, part-Buckaroo Banzai, 100% rock star. Recommended. -LM

Every Anxious Wave by Mo Daviau $25.99 – An indie rocker opens a time wormhole! And falls in love!


Western Palaces by Logan Ryan Smith (Transmission Press) $11.99

Dirty in Cashmere by Peter Plate (Seven Stories Press) $14.95

Almost Everything Very Fast by Christopher Kloeble $16.00


The Book of English Magic by Philip Carr-Gomm $16.95 – Learn more about alchemy, herbal remedies, water dowsing, performing spells, experiments to try and places to visit, as well as historical exploration of magic and interviews with leading magicians! Now in soft cover!


Fast Food Maniac: From Arby’s to White Castle, One Man’s Supersized Obsession with America’s Favorite Food by Jon Hein $15.00 – Personality from The Howard Stern Show celebrates American fast food, exploring the history and secret menu items of both national and regional chains, ranking everything from burgers and fries to ice and mascots, and offering his own expert tips on where to go and what to order.


Every Song Ever: Twenty Ways to Listen in an Age of Musical Plenty by Ben Ratliff $26.00


I Spy How to Be Your Own Private Investigator by David Ribacoff $25.99

Little Felted Dogs: Easy Projects for Making Adorable Pups by Soori Yamazaki $14.99


Sex in the Sea: Our Intimate Connection with Kinky Crustaceans, Sex-Changing Fish, Romantic Lobsters and Other Salty Erotica of the Deep by Marah J. Hardt $26.99

My Father, the Pornographer: A Memoir by Chris Offutt $26.00 – True story: Andrew Offutt wrote erotica to pay for his son’s braces. And then he became an erotica-writing superstar. Years later, the author (with probably pretty straight teeth) inherits his dad’s 1800 pounds of porn written in the 70s and 80s.


Burrs and the Beans #1 by BJ Hillis $5.00 – Coffee shop erotica! By a barrista! For reals!

Kittens and Kulture: The Pinup Photography of Susana Andrea $34.99



Juxtapoz #182 Mar 16 $6.99

Maximumrocknroll #393 Feb 16 $4.99

Cinema Scope #65 $5.95

Cinema Retro vol 12 #34 16 $11.99

Frieze #176 Jan Feb 16 $12.00

Race and Class vol 57 #3 $8.00

Horror Hound #57 Jan Feb 16 $6.99

Weed 2016 Special Newsweek Edition $10.99

Inked #73 Feb 16 $6.99

Under the Radar #56 Jan 2016 $5.99

ASR #66 Win 16 Anarcho-Syndicalist Review $5.00

Witches and Pagans #31 $6.95

ArtForum Feb 16 #54 $10.00

Diabolique #25 Jan Mar 16 $9.98

Offscreen #13 People Behind Bits and Pixels $20.00


Pretty Pretty Poison by Morgan Eldridge $5.00

Psychogynecology Poems by WEndy Lee Spacek $10.00

Sheriff Nottingham’s Holiday Herald vol 1 #5 Groundhog Day $10.00

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