Egg Cream vol 1 by Liz Suburbia (Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club) $11.99 – Serving up a delicious concoction of sweet, sweet comics, chilled to frothy perfection — Liz Suburbia returns with a new annual, collecting the newest and best that she can dish out. We’re talking dog dreams, modern day saints, and the first installment of the ongoing feature Sacred Heart part 2, “Livin’ in the Future” (exclusive to Egg Cream)!
Cheap Toys #22 by Giz $4
Homocats Modern Problems $12
One Month of Drawings by Brandon Alvarado $18
Soggy Velvet by Golda Pinals $20
Comics & Minis
Worn Tuff Elbow #2 by Marc Bell (D+Q) $8
Fifty Flip Experiment #24 Jan 19 by Dan Hill $5
Pregnant and Fired by Meghan Turbitt $5
True Pooch: Real Stories Of Love, Loss And Leashes edited by Alessa Kreger $7
One Thing at a Time Bud by Kevin Budnick $8
Emotional Data Test Tube Sugar Baby by Abby Jame (Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club) $6
Graphic Novels
Jumbo Mumbo (Tinto Press) $24.99
Fistful of Drawings: A Graphic Journal by Joe Ciardiello (Fantagraphics Underground) $25
Monkey Chef: A Love Story by Mike Freiheit (Kilgore Books) $19.95
Fred the Mustard Packet Does the Scottish Play by Tommy Cannon $12
Drop Target Omnibus by Alec Longstreth (Birdcage Bottom Books) $29.99
Off Season by James Sturm (D+Q) $24.95
Sea Monsters by Chloe Aridjis (Catapult) $23
Cinema Scope #77 $5.95
Smith Journal #28 $18.99
Maximumrocknroll #429 $4.99
Mojo #303 $11.25
Lit Journals
The Believer #123 $12
N+1 #33 $14.95
For the Kiddies
Skateboarding Animals Alphabet by Rex Flodstrom $24.99