Tag Archive for 'James Tadd Adcox'

“Cinco De Awesome” J. Bradley Reads From The Serial Rapist Sitting Behind You Is a Robot

May ’11
7:00 pm

When asked about his influences, J. Bradley points to three enduring sources: failure, 80s cartoon, unrequited love. Not a likely combination for a writer, but one that has brought forth The Serial Rapist Sitting Behind You is a Robot (Safety Third Enterprises). A collection of prose-poems from J. Bradley in his first foray into fiction. Bradley’s swift cuts and unapologetic style still remains intact in this new frame delighting in tales of Jurassic Park, sexual liaisons, and sexual disgust. Even in the darker times of the twenty story collection the Florida poet goes for a dirty bountiful laugh.

“Rabbit punches are illegal in boxing because they are a potentially fatal blow. “The Serial Rapist Sitting Behind You Is A Robot” is a series of rabbit punches comprised of poetry, wit, sex and sick.  J. Bradley attempts to kill with each piece; packing their tiny structures full of a power reserved for breaking the teeth of cheating spouses.  Each piece makes an impact that stuns strong and spreads circular in a visceral ring that will leave the reader wondering, “What just happened here?” After they stagger to their feet, they will taunt him to hit them again and again.” – xTx, author of Normally Special

Also joining the bill are Chicago author Ben Tanzer, who will read from his book You Can Make Him Like You (Artistically Declined Press), James Tadd Adcox, editor of Artifice Magazine and Brandon Will.

For more info: http://iheartfailure.net

Mildred Pierce Magazine Issue #4 Release Party 2/26

Feb ’11
7:00 pm

Join us as we celebrate Mildred Pierce‘s fourth issue, the theme of which is “Comedy and the Grotesque.” A number of Chicago artists and writers are featured in this bad boy, with a cover designed and screenprinted by Edie Fake.

The evening’s program will feature readings and performances by MP contributors James Tadd Adcox (Artifice Magazine), Edie Fake (Gaylord Phoenix), Jim Joyce (Or Let It Sink), Vicky Lim (Dear Jaguar), Ed Choy Moorman (editor/publisher, Ghost Comics), and writer/artist Ellen Nielsen.

Mildred Pierce is a (maga)zine, co-founded in 2005 by John Bylander and Megan Milks and co-edited by the same. It is a somewhat annual zine dealing in art, writing and countercultural cultural criticism.

Refreshments will be provided. A limited edition zine will be sold.

For more info: http://mildredpierce.wordpress.com