Why Art? by Eleanor Davis (Fantagraphics) $14.99 – Davis unpacks critical and positive concepts of art, whether it’s indulgent, goofy, serious, altruistic, evil or expressive. Her book is a work of art unto itself, with a sense of humor and a thirst for challenging preconceptions of art.
PWF Pro Wrestling Feelings #6 $5
Pizza Fried Chicken and Ice Cream $7
The Match #117 by Fred Woodworth $3
Brown and Proud Press titles, $5 each:
Cuentos De Gringolandia: Stories From the Other Side: Xicx Zine
Home Zine by Monica Trinidad and friends
On Struggling: Relationships
Don’t Piss Down My Back and Tell Me It’s Raining by Julia Eff $3
Splash: An Homage to WET, The Magazine of Gourmet Bathing by Joyce S. Lee $10
Urban Guerrilla Zine #20 $10
Cold Rocks – A Foldout Mini Zine of Snow Crystals by Jam $1
Not So Nostalgic Collaborative Zine: Drawings, Writings, Sharings 2017 $10
Cold Soaked High and Guilty $10
Chicken Butt Conversations on Comedy by Ashley Belanger $5
Sample by Lola Dement Myers $12
Fairy Tales for Cynical Girls vol 3 by K8 $2
Conjure: Zines As Ritual Magick by Nyxia Grey $5
Comics & Minis
Peer by Kevin Budnik $7
Grace Jerry Jessica and Me #2 by Derek Marks $6
Teachers Pet the House On Horse Mountain $10
New Wave Comics Outcasts #1-#3 by David Soileau $2.50 each
One Thousand Pounds of Wind by Andy Rench $7
Pig Pet by Margot Ferrick $7
Mirror Swimmer by Marieke McClendon $7
Electricity Is Her Element by Kathleen Kralowec $8
Marjorie #2 $3
Book of Days Daze by EA Bethea $6
Hell Hol High Speed Castration by Jack Mulkern $5
Arid Chasm by Priscilla Genet $3
Graphic Novels
From Lone Mountain by John Porcellino (D&Q) $22.95 – Don’t miss John’s event here for this book on Fri, March 16th!
Mudbite by Dave Cooper (Fantagraphics) $19.99 – First new graphic novel by cult cartoonist and fan favorite Dave Cooper in more than 15 years! A suite of stories about brain-damaged Amazons, black shiny eels, and much more.

Von Spatz by Anna Haifisch (D&Q) $16.95 – Walt Disney recovers at rehab. There he meets Tomi Ungerer and Saul Steinberg, and together, they embark on a regimen of relaxation and art therapy, a hilarious, heartwarming absurdist tale.
Mechaboys by James Kochalka (Top Shelf) $19.99 – Superbad meets Transformers in James Kochalka’s next great graphic novel, with a genuine high-school sweetness mixed in with robot action, comedy, and plenty of fistfights.
We Ate Wonder Bread by Nicole Hollander (Fantagraphics) $22.99 – Memoir by longtime syndicated cartoonist’s (Sylvia) mid-century Chicago childhood, a chronicle of a Chicago community that has since disappeared into an expressway.
The Dragon Slayer: Folktales from Latin America by Jaime Hernandez (TOON Books) $9.99

The Fuzzy Princess Volume 2 by Charles Brubaker $10.99
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World by Pénélope Bagieu $17.99
Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann (Nowbrow) $19.95
Art Books
Hand Poked No Electricity: Stick and Poke Tattoo Culture by Sarah Lu (Carpet Bombing Culture) $19.95 – Not only an artists handbook but a resource book, a history book and a visual feast of everything single color.

Yokai Wonderland: More from Yumoto Koichi Collection: Supernatural Beings in Japanese Art by Koichi Yumoto (PIE International) $39.95

Gorey’s Worlds by Erin Monroe & friends $35 – An exploration of the artistic and cultural influences that shaped writer and illustrator Edward Gorey.
Politics & Revolution
Spinfluence: The Hardcore Propaganda Manual for Controlling the Masses (Carpet Bombing Culture) $24.95 – Infographic-designy heavy book banned in several countries, now out with an updated “Fake News” edition for interested in how to exploit people for profit or power. Covering fun techniques and tactics such as emotional hijacking, brainwashing and hysteria harnessing.

Whites, Jews, and Us: Toward a Politics of Revolutionary Love by Houria Bouteldja (Semiotext(e)/Intervention Series) $14.95 – A scathing critique of the Left from an indigenous anti-colonial perspective.
Bad Stories: What the Hell Just Happened to Our Country by Steve Almond $16.95
Carceral Capitalism by Jackie Wang (MIT Press) $13.95
Outer Limits
Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown by Elana Freeland (Feral House) $19.95
Plants That Kill: A Natural History of the World’s Most Poisonous Plants by Elizabeth A Dauncey and Sonny Larsson $29.95

The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror by Mallory Ortberg $17 – A collection of darkly playful stories based on classic folk and fairy tales (but with a feminist spin) that find the sinister in the familiar and the familiar in the alien.
Lake Claremont Press titles:
Graffiti Palace: A Novel by A. G. Lombardo $27 – Debut novel retelling The Odyssey during the 1965 Watts Riots.
The Right Thing to Do at the Time by Dov Zeller $12.95
Book of Hats a Novel by Dov Zeller $13.95
Sorry to Disrupt the Peace by Patty Yumi Cottrell (McSweeney’s) $18
Freedom City by Philip Becnel $15 – Don’t miss the author here on June 22nd!
Music & Film Books
Raw: My Journey Into the Wu-Tang by Lamont “U-God” Hawkins $27 – The explosive, never-before-told story behind the historic rise of the Wu-Tang Clan, as told by one of its founding members, Lamont “U-God” Hawkins.
From the Third Eye: The Evergreen Review Film Reader by Ed Halter and Barney Rosset (Seven Stories Press) $29.95 – Writing on the films of Jean-Luc Godard, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ousmane Sembene, Andy Warhol, and others and offers incisive essays and interviews from the late 1950s to early 1970s. Articles explore politics, revolution, and the cinema; underground and experimental film, pornography, and censorship; and the rise of independent film against the dominance of Hollywood.
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus $26.99 – GDT paired up with Chicago-based YA author for this must-read novel.
The This Handbook Will Change Your Life series Books ($10 each):
Apart of the This Blog Will Change Your Life cultural and lifestyle empire. The Handbooks are brimming with esoterica and ephemera, with humor and science, personal stories and tips.
Volume 001 – TACOS by Cyn Vargas
Volume 002 – DEBT by Christopher Bowen
The Infernal Library: On Dictators, The Books They Wrote, and Other Catastrophes of Literacy by Daniel Kalder $32
Bitch #78 $7.95
The Baffler #38 $14
Wicked Vision Magazine vol 9 $18
Wire #409 $10.99
Raw Vision #96 $14
Davis Magazine Jan Feb 18 $4.99
Lit Journals, Poetry & Chap Books
After Hours Journal of Chicago Writing and Art #35 $10
Windowcat #1 Poetry Etc by Jake Ayres $5
Transmission of Let Arms: Selection of Poems by Theo Rodino $3
Extreme Music and Non Music As It Relates to Sloth $3
Yoni Wolf Dream Poems by Jonathan Wolf $7
Peoples Elbow by Rax King $10
Sobotka Literary Magazine #6 $10
Phile #2 The International Journal of Desire and Curiosity $20
Elska #16 Cape Town South Africa $18.50
The Clitoral Truth, 2nd Edition: About Pleasure, Orgasm, Female Ejaculation, the G-Spot, and Masturbation by Rebecca Chalker, Illustrated by Fish (Seven Stories Press) $18.95
Sought vol 1 Pizza $15