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Burf Quimby’s Pub Quiz Zine #9 $6
Strange Tapes #10 Halloween Party Two $6
Broken Pencil #93 Serving Sentences $7.95
Official Pretty Pussy Fanzine #1 $10
Dick Talk by Mira Schlosberg $5
Bookshelf Voyeur #1 The Tour Looking at My Library by Lucinda Williams $10
zines by Jolie Ruin $2 each: Slutcake #12 Sept 2021, Escapist Artist #66 Aug 2021
Photo zines by Larry Wolf $4 each: Seen, Moments
Why I Don’t Visit You #2 and #3 by Shaun Levin $9
Who Is Baby $5
Key to the Haunted Motel by Eric Bartholomew $2
Mystery of the Skeleton Gentleman by Cristina Benavides and Kristel Becares $8
Comics & Minis
Comics by Teddie Bernard: Rat and Bear, Off The Rails, Zelda & more.
Ask Your Grandma comics by Elisa Peterson, $2 each: Teen Idol, Did You Ever Smoke Cigarette, Nice or Naughty & more $2
What Went Wrong $7
Very Small Dog as Seen From a Very Great Distance by Mira Schlosberg $5
Ghouls #3 by JHS $3
Fun to Funky vol 1 #1 by Murphy and Rovnak $2
Comics by Emmanuel Guerrero: Bag Magic #1, Lizard City Rumble, Desert Baby
After That #61 $3
comics by Adam Falp: Satan’s Library, Dealer
Honest Monument and Friends by Dan Rule $12
Lost by TJ Hanscum $10
Buttman – World’s Guide to Style and Fashion Collab Zine Between Tweeds Closet and Spicyboi048 $10
Pumpkin Stan the Pumpkin Man by Christian Brunner $10
Strategy Chaotic Era by Paul Dickow and Lando $20
Being John Arbuckle #8 by Gobonussaves $6
Graphic Novels
Leonard Cohen on a Wire by Philippe Girard (D+Q) $24.95
Waiting by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim (D+Q) $24.95
Fat Girl Love Club by Gabby Metzler $20
Fungirl by Elizabeth Pich (Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club) $29.99
Day Old by Joe Ollmann (Conundrum) $10
Crimson Quays by Jonathan Bousfield and Igor Hofbauer (Tabularasa Edizioni/Conundrum) $20
Fuck Hof by Igor Hofbauer (Tabularasa Edizioni/Conundrum) $35
Lure by Lane Milburn (Fantagraphics) $29.99
Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine by Mohammad Sabaaneh (Street Noise) $15.99
Art & Photo Books
The Art of Annie Montgomerie: Flocked and Socked by Annie Montgomerie and John Edward Mermis (Sympathetic Press) $45
Desperately Seeking Banksy: New Edition by Tapies Xavier (Gingko) $19.95
Unicorn Death Road Trip Buddy Movie by Zachary Cahill $25
Abandoned Gary Indiana Steel Bones by Miki Lansdowne $24.99
American Graffiti Coloring Book edited by Alain KET Mariduena and the Museum of Graffiti (Dokument) $9.95
Music & Film Books
I Am Michael Alago: Breathing Music. Signing Metallica. Beating Death. by Michael Alago and Laura Davis-Chanin $24.95
Remain in Love: Talking Heads, Tom Tom Club, Tina by Chris Frantz $19.99 – Now in soft cover.
Western Stories: Coyoteros, the Mojave Dollarcoat, the Company and the Gunman, the Desert Prow by Joe Carducci (Redoubt Press) $16.95
Neil Young on Neil Young: Interviews and Encounters by Arthur Lizie $30
The Lyrics of Syd Barrett (Omnibus) $19.99
A Furious Devotion: The Life of Shane MacGowan by Richard Balls $28.99
Sellout: The Major-Label Feeding Frenzy That Swept Punk, Emo, and Hardcore (1994–2007) by Dan Ozzi $28
Mayhem & Outer Limits
Atlas of Dark Destinations: Explore the World of Dark Tourism by Peter Hohenhaus $29.99
Beam of Sunlight In the Deep Forest by Edouard Schure (First to Knock) $18
Bohemian Magick: Witchcraft and Secret Spells to Electrify Your Life by Veronica Varlow $29.99
City Witchery: Accessible Rituals, Practices & Prompts for Conjuring and Creating in a Magical Metropolis by Lisa Marie Basile $18.99
Black Flame of Paradise by Zachary Cahill $19
Truth of the Divine: A Novel by Lindsay Ellis $28.99
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin $16.99
Food Books
Feast Your Eyes on Food: An Encyclopedia of More than 1,000 Delicious Things to Eat by Laura Gladwin and illustrated by Zoe Barker $24.99
Cheese Sex Death: A Bible for the Cheese Obsessed by Erika Kubrick $29.99
Essay Books
Everything, All the Time, Everywhere: How We Became Postmodern by Stuart Jeffries (Verso) $29.95
Black Futures edited by Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham $25
Az Der Papa by David Jacobson $9.99
Golem Girl: A Memoir by Riva Lehrer $20 – Now in soft cover.
Defy Apathy issues #1-#3 $20 each
The Internationalist #64 July-Sept 2021 $1
Cinema Scope #88 Fall 2021 $5.95
Little White Lies #90 Sept Oct 2021 $16.99
Taproot #47 $12
Afterall Journal #51 $15
Mother Jones Dec 2021 $9.99
In These Times Nov 2021 $4.95
Chap Books
Always Loved You the Best by Augustine $3 + $5
Wet Hot Cartoon Sex Dungeon #1 + #2 by Mason Dimefeene $5